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Comment Re:Nope (Score 1) 332

"They" invested a bunch of money in SACD, which was totally unnecessary, so that's a meaningless metric.

I've seen 4k displays at electronics stores. Meh. I can tell the difference, but I wouldn't upgrade unless there was a noticeable problem with what I already had, which there isn't. I only upgraded from DVD when I got a large screen LCD that made some of them look pretty poor. On the other hand, many of my DVDs still look good on a 50" screen, and the upscalers have gotten better.

Comment Re:Save Us From 'Just Sort of OK' US Workers 2.0 (Score 1) 552

If the US had a president with any backbone, he'd tell Zuckerberg to fuck off and move his company and himself to India if he doesn't want to hire Americans. Again, these clowns want all the protections a first-world country can offer, but they don't give anything in return.

Why anybody even deals with facebook is a mystery to me. It's nothing but a giant data-mining operation, just like google. It seems almost all of the "web 2.0" companies are about personal information siphoning under the guise of some other shoddy crap. The only "talent" these companies need are psychologists who can tell them how best to fool people into giving up even more info, and how each group is susceptible to a given form of advertising. Any web programmer can do the rest.

Comment Re:Disregard All VC Comments (Score 1) 552

Exactly. These types of people only look out for themselves and their bottom line. They take, take, take, and never give back. They don't give a shit what happens to the rest of the country and its people. They'll drain a company or employee of all value, then discard the carcass and move on, never once losing a minute of sleep over the collateral damage of their actions.

Let's regard them for what they truly are: Parasites.

Comment Re: 65536 (Score 1) 246

Upload a video to youtube that's got some copyrighted music playing on a radio in the background and they're all over it like stink on shit. Millions of people getting scammed out of countless amounts of time and money, meh.. That about sums up the priorities of the just-us system today. You got money? You get justice. You don't? Fuck ya.

Comment Re:Can you say... (Score 1) 266

In America, these wonderful pharma corps have also purchased a law that says you can't import your drugs from another country. YOU are not allowed to take advantage of "the global market".

THEY, on the other hand, can shop around for labour where they see fit, even to the detriment of the populace in their corp's home land. The same land that allowed them to gain their massive wealth through protections and assistances.

Never mind, citizen, the fact that this law is actually breaking the Sherman Anti-Trust Act.

Comment Re:Breaking news (Score 5, Insightful) 619

This is actually one of the most important points and can't be stated enough.

Look at what's happening in the West now. Bankers run amok, ripping off trillions and causing widespread economic damage. Instead of being punished for their crimes (which aren't even acknowledged by those in power), they are allowed to continue. Inflation, taxation, offshoring, dubious immigration policies, and (in the USA particularly) a corrupted healthcare system resulting in enormous costs has ruined the middle class. The poor are just as fucked as ever and the only government response to that is to build more prisons for the crimes that are the result of poverty.

How do the people react? Take a look around. More and more people are resorting to get-rich-quick schemes and outright scams. Frivolous litigation in attempt to score a big windfall so they'll never have to work again.

Nobody wants to put in a hard day's work any more because they're realized that it's a sucker's game. Like a parent, government must lead by example. And the example they are setting is a dire one.

Comment Re:Canada has the future :) (Score 1) 753

Why the smiley? The discontinuation of the penny is the sign of a sad state of affairs. One where government has devalued the currency so much that the base unit is considered valueless. People should be marching in the street, demanding the value stolen from them be returned, not championing the result of the thieving.

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