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Comment Re:Careful What You Laugh At (Score 1) 511

Actually, HDR photos are often a better representation of reality, because the human eye adjusts to different brightness levels, which is what the HDR process is doing.

... as long as it's not overdone. I've taken quite a few pictures that I was disappointed with due to the dynamic range problems of the camera. I've also seen too many HDR pictures that are "not natural". I like HDR photos, when they're used make the camera's dynamic range match my vision's range.

Comment Re:Republican (Score 1) 574

The country already is ruled by religious law to some extent: thou shall not kill and thou shall not steal. Murder and burglary are against the law. Why aren't you all riled up about that? Constitution doesn't say anything about murder or stealing but yet we have laws for them.

Why do some people in the US think that the Constitution is the be all and end all of the legal system?

You have common law inherited from our UK system: over the centuries people decided that stealing and murder were a bad idea and should be punished. It's nothing except coincidentally to do with the Bible. It would be hard to imagine a sane legal system under which murder wasn't a serious offence.

Comment Re:baseball? (Score 1) 142

Personally I don't like baseball, but I can see the appeal of playing the game on a console.

See geeks like to take long drawn-out inefficient methods of accomplishing something and do it for fun.

Like killing 500 monsters to flip a few bits in memory. Sort of a physical touring machine, you ARE the program.

So in a similar sense... trying to precisely direct the velocity and flight path of a baseball using an inefficient and unwieldy instrument which is wholly unsuited to the task... instead of ya know... a potato cannon or something... is a way of physically hacking reality.

I can respect that.

Comment Re:Gee, didn't someone get lynched for saying that (Score 1) 310

Really this doesn't detract from the point that the Wii sold because it was simple, easy and fun.

The point was that the games on the 360 and PS3 "sucked in 2007 and still suck in 2010".

By both attach rate and review score this is demonstrably not true. Attach rate specifically corrects for number of consoles sold.

Comment Re:After a month of daily use... (Score 1) 911

I think you'd be surprised how many real geeks use apple devices.


I'm 35. I got my first computer (a TRS-80 CoCo 1) in 1980. I was writing pretty sophisticated code by the mid- to late-80's. Wrote a wardialer for OS-9 Level II when I was in my teens. I've been professionally involved in IT (engineering, consulting and management) for well over a decade. I own or have owned most easily obtainable computing platforms, often just for the sake of exploration and learning. I recently bought an old HP-9000/735 just to play around with NeXTStep PA-RISC. I do system administration for various flavors of Windows, Linux, and Unix, including Mac OS X.

By almost any account, I'm a hardcore geek. And I love my iPad. If anything, just because it's a new platform to explore. But also because it's a great kick-back and relax device for content consumption and play.

For some reason, there's a group of people out there who view the iPad as a threat of some kind. I frankly just don't get it. Apple's not forcing anyone to buy or use their products, and they aren't trying to take away your "real" computer. If you don't want one, don't buy it. But, leave those who do buy it in peace. The iPad appeals to a wide class of people: both hardcore geeks like myself who are eager to explore the new platform, and also to people who really don't want to put up with the complexity of traditional computers just for the sake of sending an email to their family.

Comment Re:Whatever it taks! (Score 1) 911

Yet you continue to assume people buy Apple products just for the 'cool factor' when obviously they buy them because the features fit their needs. Although i'm certain there are people who buy them as a popular/fad item, those kinds of fads do fade and they move on to something else. Given that the satisfaction rate with Apple products and the % of folks who would buy again are tops in the industry, I wouldn't classify it as a 'fad' purchase.

Comment Re:Dear Aliens (Score 1) 184

Lets assume that the aliens have had access to the internet. On the one side of the world there's a lot of obese women with fake boobs. On the other side there's only hot teenagers with hot accents. I know where I'd rather land

Yeah go ahead and mod me down while you scoff on your cheeseburgers Americans :-P

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