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Comment Re:Just Require an IQ Test (Score 1) 673

You seem to misunderstand that statistics apply to populations. Not individuals. The flu vaccine (along with everything to do with those messy moist biological systems) are not 100% effective.

Or 90%, or 80% or 70% or ... well, this year, it's actually hardly effective at all.

You know what the most reliable outcome of the annual distribution of flu vaccines actually is? Pharmaceutical company profits. For companies with total blanket immunity from law suits or prosecution for ANY ill effects from those vaccines.

Comment Re:its a tough subject (Score -1) 673

You have a choice. You can always leave society. I didn't have any choice of where I was born or what civilization I was born into, either. I got over it.

"Society" is not a thing, it does not have rights. Individual people have rights, including the right to associate (or not) with other people. When you create some arbitrary definition of a collective and give it rights over individuals, you are on the road to tyranny. You split people into collectives, create nationalism, start wars over it, etc.

Comment Re: Wow... Just "no". (Score 1) 204

Well, first, you're responding to the wrong person. I assumed you were trying to say something insightful about the law. Unfortunately it's just more of the same partisan drivel.

I get there are many people happy about the ACA, and they like justifying all the bad things that have been done in the past six years with deflection about how it "Not as bad as the Iraq war", etc. Hard to argue with that, which I guess is why it's used, but of course the ACA is bad law, for many reasons, but most compelling is that the costs are far greater than the benefits. But that's what happens when the "leaders" have clearly stopped representing the people, and the only goal is power, through whatever means possible.

You can dismiss the Constitution by looking at the founders through the lens of modern culture if you like, but frankly considering the way countries were run in the rest of the world at the time, it was a vast improvement. And it's still law. If somethings wrong with it, there are provisions for changing it. But frankly the biggest problem is that Congress puts a lot of effort into getting around it, not following it. ACA and bi-annual NDAA are no different in that regard.

Comment Re:About 7-8 years ago? (Score 1) 302

And yet who gets called in to rescue the site six months later after everything has collapsed into a steaming pile. If I had a dollar for every time somebody from marketing tried to modify the CMS and had it blow up in their face, I'd already be retired.

So, what, you're fixing it for free? Or just laughing and saying "Yea, that sucks for you!" and walking away?

Comment Re:That's WordPress in a nutshell (Score 2) 302

You can't run a serious website on Wordpress AND use a cheap host. Cheap hosts do not install the necessary opcode caches that are required to make the site not run slow and load-spike the server (Dreamhost will just nuke your site if it overloads... because they don't install any php opcode cache.)

That's not necessarily true (depending on how you define "cheap" hosting services). You may have to shop around a bit, but I've found that most commodity hosting services support at least Zend opcache, or they can support php 5.5, which includes opcache out of the box.

Comment Re:Can anyone think of (Score 1) 204

TARP actually made a profit because in exchange for cash it got shares of the companies it was bailing out. It then sold those shares back for more than the cash it gave out. That plus the companies not going out of business most folks would call a success, not a fuckup.

It's a "success" if you love the businesses that got TARP money, but a massive failure if you don't. Most businesses that fuckup on such a massive scale end up bankrupt, with assets going up for fire sale prices to people that did NOT fuckup. The fact that most of those businesses also fucked over a lot of OTHER people before getting their massive capital infusion (which they parleyed into even greater profits).

Comment Re:Paradox (Score 2) 200

I agree that high-skill coding is out of reach for someone who only took a few programming courses in community college. However, there is plenty of low-skill coding to be done out in the world as well. Nearly any web page you visit could be written by a community college student with a few HTML, CSS, and Javascript courses.

I'd recommend staying away from those web pages if I were you. It'll be used as a malware distribution center as soon as it shows up on the results of some script kiddie's vulnerability scanner.

Comment Re:Paradox (Score 2) 200

You're making the mistake of believing this is an actual plan, not just a bunch of feel good speechmaking and propaganda.

Yes, it's a plan to fix education. It hasn't worked in the public schools, which just keep getting worse, so they're basically going to add 2 more years of grade school to your "free" education, and hope that's enough.

Comment Re:Cool (Score 1) 225

I think all of them are true, but not everyone will agree.

True. (Not everyone will agree).

"Medical expenses are the number 1 cause of bankruptcy in America"

This is actually false, and if you pay close attention to the details of the study, you'll see it's not even at the top of the #1 reason for filing bankruptcy. FactCheck has some discussion of the issue, citing other studies and how the Hardvard one lumped "medical bills" along with other issues, including job loss.

"The US constitution prohibits establishment of religion by congress"

This certainly true on its face, but could be construed as false by omission, and implies less restrictions on Federal laws than the Constitution actually provides. The relevant text is "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;" - so not only can they not establish a religion, they cannot make law "respecting" any religious establishment, that is, any organized church cannot be given any special dispensation at all, and, further, any religious practice cannot be interfered with. Of course, Congress has violated that one many times, probably most famously by such things as banning peyote from Native American's traditional religious practices. Ironically, the First Amendment's admonition was intended to protect people that designed their own religious practices outside of the established religions - a highly valued right with origins Colonial America's protestant value system. Yet the Native American Church was established in order to petition for protection of the use of peyote by its members. So in practice, recognizing the use of peyote by members of established religion, but not by individuals, is the opposite of the original purpose.

Comment Re:Glad were stopping the evil socialists (Score 1) 182

Sorry, fucker, if I didn't give you the whole history of this. He was a Democrat, resigned while he was under indictment and facing felony charges, then he got this miracle-out-of-the-blue plea deal that let him plead to a misdemeanor instead. At that point, they had already called for a special election to fill his vacated seat, and it was too late to file as a Democrat because they had already put a candidate on the ballot. So he got on as an "Independent" instead. He's a far-left Democrat, but worse, he's a piece of shit out for only himself. This is just the latest story of someone he fucked - literally this time, figuratively most of the time.

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