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Comment Re:people are idiots (Score 1) 463

I've been reading for 20+ years about these things called Macs that are far safer than Windows, and yet, somehow, nobody actually uses them.

"Nobody"? Even in the enterprise?

The rest of your comment misses my point: Perhaps in theory, OS X is "just an vulnerable," and maybe the OS X market share means malware authors don't bother. But whatever the causes, in the real world today, the results are undeniable: less malware on Macs.

Comment Re:people are idiots (Score 3, Informative) 463

The mechanisms of Cryptowall work under any OS.

Except, as the AC said, it doesn't presently work under OS X. I've been reading for 20+ years how "Macs are just as vulnerable as Windows," and yet, somehow, that malware parity never seems to happen. Sure, every now and then there's a headline about Mac malware, but when you read the article it's either a theoretical vulnerability or, at worst, something that happened to a handful of people. You can claim it's because malware authors don't want to bother with Macs or whatever, but the end result is the same: Windows users are always dealing with more malware than Mac users, and, I'll bet, always will. So the modded-down-to-oblivion poster above is not wrong: getting a Mac would have prevented this attack, and many others.

Comment Heard it before (Score 1) 578

But that's unlikely. For one, Latin happens to have gotten there first. It is now so deeply entrenched in print, education and media that switching to anything else would entail an enormous effort. We retain the QWERTY keyboard... the Chinese do not use QWERTY, either.

Comment Re: Don't mess with my jetset lifestyle (Score 1) 232

Tax to cover cost? That cost you speak of is not a true requirement but rather only a fake requirement instituted by people who want to artificially change those who have power and those who do not rather than letting capitalism play out naturally. Socialist is what normal people label these people in question who are seeking to change the balance of power. What better way, other than your personal healthcare, to affect change than to create a wave of fear for a fake disaster like global warming? And not only that but to further the cause you deem any and all weather patterns and systems a result of global warming, even if they are normal patterns. Of course the goal is to subliminally get people to always think the cause for what they experience is the evil global warming that your socialist agenda is declaring a clear and present danger. If you can get people to band together to fight the invisible and made-up enemy then you can easily raise capital for doing a lot of things that go toward reaching the goals of the real agenda rather than the agenda used for maintaining the facade of caring about the planet, at the expense of human jobs (coal miners), family finances(charge more for dirty energy), convenient living ( not allowed to have that diabolical incandescent bulbs) , etc. The environmentalists and liberals bought it hook, line and sinker.

Comment Re: One fiber to rule them... (Score 3, Interesting) 221

Municipalities charge taxes for roads, garbage, schools etc. At least where I live it's the power company or the phone company that fixes their own damaged equipment when lines come down, not the city. And you bet your ass the city won't lift a finger to fix anything unless they are generating revenue from it.

What GP is proposing is some sort of "public" trunk that everyone can then attach to at the end points and sell from there. OK. What GP has not mentioned is that someone has to own and maintain this "public" line and if it's the city, you bet your ass they are going to charge you for it one way or another. It's not a city service otherwise, is it?

As for private industry being the only one that can fix anything no, that's simply not true. The city will charge you an arm and a leg to fix something, do a shitty job and call what they bilk you for it "taxes". Private industry will charge you an arm and a leg, do a shitty job, and call the difference profit. But unless it's a life or death service, governments tend to take their sweet time about things. Feasibility studies have to be done, committees have to meet and decide, and finally the 2 guys responsible for actually fixing anything that goes wrong in the whole town have to fit it into their schedule. Or does your town not have potholes, burst pipes, etc? If those get fixed overnight please tell me where you live so I can move there. Private industry tends to be a bit quicker because they want the money ASAP. The city already has your money. Try not to pay them and see what happens.


Fraud, Not Hackers, Took Most of Mt. Gox's Missing Bitcoins 108

itwbennett writes Nearly all of the roughly $370 million in bitcoin that disappeared in the February 2014 collapse of Mt. Gox probably vanished due to fraudulent transactions, with only 1 percent taken by yet-to-be-identified hackers, according to a report in Japan's Yomiuri Shimbun newspaper, citing sources close to a Tokyo police probe. The disclosure follows months of investigations by police and others into the tangled mess surrounding the disappearance of the 650,000 bit coins.

Comment Re:Are emails copyrighted ? (Score 1) 138

Unless you happen to be creating NEWS. Those emails are not copyrighted they are news-worthy and their publication and republication is to substantiate said news. Wouldn't it be a sad day if everyone could hide behind copyright. Politician - what I said was copyrighted don't repeat it. Court - this judgement is copyrighted you can't see it. Criminal - the slashing patterns on the victim are my copyrighted work, you can't reproduce it... etc. But first, "let's kill all the lawyers..." -- Shakespeare (proving you can still make money and be famous even 400 years after you are dead and copyright has expired).

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