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Comment Re:Is this his first veto? (Score 1) 437

Ever since, until this year, the Republicans controlled the house and the Democrats the Senate and Reid basically played bad cop to Obama's good cop.

On the contrary, Obama finally has the Congress he's always wanted. Now he doesn't even have to go through the motions of supporting his party's platform, as he did his first two years in in office. In public, it's all meaningless gestures that he knows will go nowhere, like minimum wage increase/free community college/sick leave. Behind the scenes, it's full steam ahead for the TPP and a new cold war with Russia.

Comment Trains are a red herring (Score 2) 437

Rail is a bottleneck on the tar sands, as the developers aren't going to mine far beyond their capcity to transport the product, which is why they want the pipeline. Which gives more time for a less fascist government to replace Harper, or just forget about the whole project with the current cheap price of oil. But once you've got an investment like a completed pipeline, you're going to want to get your money back, even if means waiting years for the price of oil to go back up.

Comment Re:I thought that was Nintendo's failure... (Score 1) 153

CD burners that cheap didn't come out until years after the Dreamcast was already dead. Piracy was an excuse in any case, as some of the most copied games were also the biggest money makers for their time: just look at Warcraft and Starcraft.

Heck I was able to get 1Mbps DSL in the middle of nowhere a by 2001.

And someone won the Powerball last week. Extraordinarily rare anecdotes do not a median make.

Comment Re:Bill Nye, the Dogma Guy! (Score 1) 681

Climate Change Deniers you're as wrong as anti-vaxxers and anti-nuclear power advocates.

Why not whip out GMO's and compete the trifecta of false conflations? Fact is, nuclear power is by far the most dangerous, and by far the most expensive, power source ever invented by man. Skip the comparisons to collapsing dams, that depend on counting disasters before the widespread use of nuclear power and ignoring the vast disparity in numbers between hydro and nuclear.

Go ahead to the part where you rattle off the nuclear power plants that roll the full cost of construction, decomission, security, maintenance, disaster preparedness, insurance, and last but not least storing the waste for thousands of years into the rates charged to customers.

Comment Re:Evidence based, reasoned arguments don't work (Score 1) 681

It's hard for this to come across as anything other than a lazy "we failed to win the argument so lets just call them names" approach.

Or, a lazy denial of the fact that you can't reason someone out of a position they didn't reason themselves into. The more you shower the anti-vaxxers with facts, the more they deny them. Not sure why anyone would continue to argue otherwise when studies have shown this to be the case, not just your lying eyes.

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