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Comment Re:THE solution (Score 3, Insightful) 79

I looked into how this can possibly work. Apparently they go to the post office and send their drug shipment with priority mail. WHAT THE HELL?! So spend like $50,000 on one drug sniffing dog at each major USPS hub. Problem solved. Then when those idiots resort to in-person trades, arrest them in sting operations. How has the FBI not figured this out yet?!

So, what do you do? Rip open every package the dog alerts to? What about the false positives? Would you like to risk having your package destroyed every time you mailed one? Do you realize how much mail goes through the USPS every day? How much do you think inspecting every package would slow things down? Do you know the Constitution only allows searches with a warrant describing the place to be searched and the object of the search? Have I asked enough questions for one reply? How about one more?

Comment Re:Totally not thriving (Score 1) 79

Where do you get your certainty from? I'm just curious.

A while ago I wanted to see what I could find on the deep web even though nothing illegal interests me but I just wanted to look at what's going on. Based on the associated forums at least, some people had either put in a lot of effort into making it look like various people were discussing carding, drugs etc. or some sales were actually going on. Arguably, I don't think any of those "buy X stolen cc numbers" are real since shouldn't whoever has them be using them until they've been locked. Same thing with buying stuff from "vendors" who are cheap because they buy it with stolen cards or such. Or the more or less laughable hitmen. Of course I lack the experience of a criminal so I don't know when a weapons or drugs sale seems legit but to me those on the big sites absolutely did.

That's what you can get to from the outside. There are also sites that are fully encrypted and invitation only. You can't just find them on the web, you have to know someone.

Comment Re:"Not intentional". Right. (Score 4, Insightful) 370

Vizio is a pretty solid brand... at least for their larger TVs. Decent contrast, good response time, and if you choose carefully, no Smart TV nastiness. Of course, we bought the Smart TV at the time, but it doesn't get in the way. The only way you'll see it is if you press a certain button. And personally, they did Smart TV right. If you need it, it's there and easy to access. If you don't want it, don't worry about it - out of mind, out of sight.

How terrible is it that I am now suspicious of every post saying something good about a company or product? This could be a legit post, written by someone who has a positive experience with their TV. But I read the content and see it's posted by an AC and immediately think "astroturf". There is a trust that has been broken in our society; a lot actually. Something has been lost and I'm not sure if/how we get it back.

Comment Lift (Score 5, Insightful) 201

If you lift weights you can boost your testosterone naturally. And you'll get other benefits like more strength, increased bone density and better balance. You don't have to be Jack LaLanne (though he provided an excellent example). You just need to put your body under stress for 30 - 60 minutes 2 - 3 times a week; in a way that is safe for one's age, obviously.

Regular exercise and a healthy diet can go a long way towards staying healthy and living longer. But we knew that already and still many of us do not do it. There's still the testosterone shot, I guess...

Comment Re:FAA could only *limit* US launched rockets (Score 1) 283

I find it funny, we finally have territory that isn't already occupied and we're fighting over not being able to claim it. I'm sure if there were native mooninites we'd already be slaughtering, enslaving, and sending them gift blankets just like every other territory ever inhabited by modern humans.

I guess we has humans can't have something unless it is taken away from someone else.

This is why I say that if Humanity is ever to advance far enough that we can get off this planet in a meaningful way, it will require a paradigm shift away from power-seeking and towards cooperation. We'll see.

Comment Re:What world do you live in? (Score 1) 577

Why do you USian's so conveniently forget the second largest army in the world which assisted you (the French)?

Because we're Americans and don't need no help from no one! And we're fairly ignorant as a result of an educational system that only concerns itself with preparing people to enter the workforce, not educating a well rounded citizen. There is a reason I have had the same sig for so long...

Comment Re:Dear DOJ (Score 1) 431

Your entire administration and the one before it has demonstrated that you have absolutely no intent of defending the constitution especially where privacy and due process are concerned.

There was ever an administration that actually defended the Constitution, privacy and due process? This shit has been happening since at least John Adams.

That may be true, but it doesn't mean we should stop speaking out for our ideals.

Comment Re:I wonder... (Score 1) 95

Revenge wouldn't be the point - the point would be to send a clear message to future patriots that might try a similar stunt. Revenge would just make it more satisfying to do so.

Yeah, maybe. I'd think that if they wanted to do that, they'd have done it already. But maybe they just haven't had the opportunity. Seems to me the horse is out of the barn.

Comment Re:When will there be justice? (Score 3, Insightful) 95

How long is it going to take before the American people get fed up with this. The NSA is obviously an out of control agency and has been for years. The people in charge need to start spending LONG prison sentences for their crimes against humanity. And before people start screaming "Think about the terrorists" remember that those in charge (both the NSA, FBI and others) have deliberately chosen to ignore gathered intell about actual terrorist threats (such as 911 and the Boston Marathon bombers). This should prove to everyone that the government considers their own citizens as more of a threat than foreign terrorists.

Yeah, but most people don't see it that way. They may not like what the government is doing, but they still buy the terrorism angle. This type of thing isn't what gets people fed up enough to really do something. That comes with hunger or widespread violence, and we should all hope it doesn't get that bad.

Comment Re:I wonder... (Score 2) 95

...when Snowden is going to wake up with a bullet in his head...

Edward Snowden has released all of his information to news agencies. They are the ones now releasing this information. Snowden could die tomorrow and it wouldn't make a difference. The US government likely knows this, so there is no point in going after him. They may be lawless, but I don't think they would try to get him just for revenge.

Comment Re:Slashdot, byebye! (Score 1) 231

OP says "paradox" but the issues discussed in the paper are not strictly paradoxes, just contradictions. There is a difference. If you say it's black and I say it's white, that's not a paradox but a contradiction. If one theory says it's red and another theory says it's green, again that's not paradox but mere contradiction.

But I'm here for an argument!

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