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Comment Re: A giant lagoon dam (Score 1) 197

Better negotiate the contract during a Sjálfstæðisflokkurinn / Framsóknarflokkurinn (conservative) government. Samfylkingin would approve it under the condition that the Icelandic government's share of the sales are so high that you would barely save any money on the imported power, and Vinstri Grænir would outright reject it no matter what you offered. But Sjálfstæðisflokkurinn and Framsóknarflokkurinn would let you dam up whatever rivers you want and take gigawatts of power in exchange for a handful of shiny trinkets and a couple magic beans.

Comment Re:Why is Israel not part of the NNPT? (Score 1) 52

Because they didn't sign it.

Saying: "everyone who has them except Israel is allowed to keep them" is just plain wrong.

Which just might be why they didn't sign on - and part of why "Israel has had a policy of opacity regarding its nuclear weapons program."

Some things to remember about the NNPT:
  - Not every country in the world is a signatory.
  - Even signatories didn't permanently give up their right to develop nuclear weapons: By the treaty's own terms (section X(1)), they can drop out on three month's notice:

Article X

1. Each Party shall in exercising its national sovereignty have the right to withdraw from the Treaty if it decides that extraordinary events, related to the subject matter of this Treaty, have jeopardized the supreme interests of its country. It shall give notice of such withdrawal to all other Parties to the Treaty and to the United Nations Security Council three months in advance. Such notice shall include a statement of the extraordinary events it regards as having jeopardized its supreme interests.

Comment Re:Viewing Launches (Score 1) 23

With luck, they'll start incorporating our radio transceivers. I hear that SpaceX flies with several USRPs now, so that's not completely unrealistic. That might be as close as I can get. Anyone who can get me a base invitation, though, would be greatly appreciated and I'd be happy to do some entertaining speeches while there. I need a base invite for Vandenberg, too. I got in to the official viewing site for the first try of the last launch (and that scrubbed too), but this next one is on Pad 6.

Comment Re:Short answer ... (Score 3, Insightful) 18

The RCMP have a lot of problems, this, the officers lying over the tasering in BC. High River(illegal gun seizures), and so on. Some of the major problems stem from the fact that there are no career officers in positions of power and they're all political appointees. Yeah, figure that one out. How does someone become chief of a service without ever having served on it. It's better in a lot of the smaller services here in Canada, where services acts require someone from the service before they can be a chief.

The RCMP can be fixed, if they start pulling out all the political bullshit. The vast majority of police services in Canada work as a bottom to top organization. Meaning the guy at the bottom, gets a problem and decides how to fix it on their own without someone over his shoulder to figure it out or telling him to "bend the rules to make it happen." Services like the RCMP(federal police), OPP(Ontario Provincial), SQ(Quebec Provincial) operate as "top down" meaning there's someone staring over you shoulder, and breathing down your neck while telling you to "do this or else." Now I'm sure you're thinking, but why don't they stand up...some do. And they're quickly drummed out for not following the procedures which is a offence you can be canned for in many cases.

The vast majority here in Canada do follow the rules. Said rules are enforced and have oversight by independent investigation boards made up of ex-police and civilians. And then there's a local police oversight board that anyone can apply to become a member of in many cases. In Ontario for instance, anyone can become a member of the oversight board it doesn't matter who you are--you can apply. The RCMP though doesn't have either, it has, as said that lovely top-down approach.

Now as for the laws here in Canada, the police generally don't line up and say "we need law xyz" because...reasons...usually in Canada laws such as that are based on something happening in society that requires it. And should that be an overstep, then it'll end up before the Supreme Court and will or won't be struck down. A few examples: RIDE programs are a violation in Canada of unlawful search. It was however ruled that it's a reasonable exception under S.1 of the charter because of the needs weighted against society. On the other hand, we have exigent circumstances(allowing entry/taps/etc w/o warrant). Which was struck down by the Supreme Court as being "a extreme violation of individual rights." That was in reaction to another bill, but said ruling stripped it out of the criminal code itself. Exigent circumstances had been on the books for ~100 years at that point.

Comment Viewing Launches (Score 3, Interesting) 23

I was in Florida to speak at Orlando Hamcation and went to see the DISCOVR launch at Kennedy Space Center. I paid $50 to be at LC-39 for the launch, an observation tower made from a disused gantry on the Nasa Causeway between the pads and the Vehicle Assembly Building. A crawler was parked next door! A hot sandwich buffet, chips, and sodas were served. It was cold and windy! I watched for a few hours and unfortunately the launch scrubbed due to high stratospheric winds.

The next day, Delaware North Corporation, which operates tourism at KSC, decided not to open LC-39 or the Saturn 5 center for the launch. This was the third launch attempt and I guess they decided most people had left. I was annoyed.

The closest beach was going to be closed in the evening, it's a sensitive ecological area. I ended up seeing the launch from Jetty Park. This turned out not to be such a great location, the tower wasn't visible at all and the first 10 seconds of the rocket in flight were obscured before we saw it over a hill.

What's a better viewing location?

Comment Re:fees (Score 1) 391

You are right. But only because nobody is actually looking at the problem. Comcast, Time Warner and COX are not the problem, they are the symptom of the problem.

The problem is last mile infrastructure ownership. Municipally owned last mile solves that problem. By pushing the problem from the last mile, to a more centralized COLO facility can solve the problem, by allowing Verizon, Google, Time Warner, COX, Comcast .... and whoever else wants in, access to the same customers.

This gives choice (missing currently) to the customer, rather than lock-in to a Franchise agreement holder.

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