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Comment Re:Weird (Score 2) 98

The Japanese company does a world-wide release.
The American company does a Japan-first release.

You might be a little confused. Here's some clarification:

announcement comes just weeks after Microsoft announced a 1TB version of its Xbox One. Gamers in Japan will be able to get their hands on the console [The PS4] by the end of June

Sony is releasing the 1TB PS4 in Japan first, the rest of the world July 15. XBone is just mentioned in passing for comparison of announcement dates.

Comment Re:Cool feature but... (Score 2) 98

Sony doesn't want you to be able to play the games you already bought.

Making a slight amendment to this: Sony doesn't want you to be able to play the games you already bought without paying for them again. Sony could blow the whole backward compatible thing out of the water though, if they could scan your account for games you already bought (maybe using your trophies list?) and give you free access to those in PS Now.

Comment Re:Cool feature but... (Score 2) 98

Probably not going to happen because of this. Sony doesn't want you to be able to play the games you already bought. Then again, Microsoft doesn't really want you to either, but they're behind in the game, so their hand was forced. Also, backward compatibility only supports a handful of games. I typically don't buy a console until 3-4 years after it's out, then I can get GOTY editions of games for $30 instead of new "patched out of the box" games for $60.

Comment Re:Equality (Score 2) 490

The real problem isn't that women are incapable. It's that most women don't have the fortitude to continue in the face of adversity. It's easier to give up, find a man who was raised to do all the heavy lifting and undesirable jobs and move on to having kids. It's not that women are inherently lazy, it's that they perceive certain jobs to be easier than others, and they prefer that which they consider easier.

Not to take away from your point, but being a mother is an extremely important and extremely difficult job, and it's sad that women who desire to be stay-at-home mothers get ostracized by the "feminist" movement so bad.

Comment Re:Treat causes, not symptoms (Score 1) 233

If you really want to "get money out of politics," you need to (as much as possible) get politics out of the economy. (Ideologues will always lobby, and that's fine, because it's the crony capitalism and pay-to-play aspects that are most objectionable.) Which, of course, is not what many reformers want to do.

That's exactly the problem, and I've said it many times. The only reason lobbyists buy off government officials is because the government has enough power to be worth being bought. Power needs to be decentralized from the feds & given back to the state & local level, where people have much more say in the matter.

"Reformers" want to live in a land of make-believe, thinking if we removed campaign financing, there wouldn't be any corruption, but they don't want to remove the reason for the corruption.

Comment Re:There's no winning with the feminist crowd... (Score 1) 490

Instead what we have are different kits for each gender, and they all tend to be highly stereotyped. Boys' kits are usually focused on combat and machines, girls' kits are focused on home making and fashion.

Isn't it really due to movie & game tie-ins? Lego, like most businesses, exists to make money. One way to make more money is to sell things that are linked to other things people like. Star Wars & Batman/Superman have a large appeal, so Lego makes toys that have those tie-ins, but those mostly appeal to boys. It's not some sort of evil plot to exclude girls.

Comment Re:"getting boys and girls to play together" (Score 1, Insightful) 490

I don't read comments -- or post -- as much as I used to, but /. used to have a significant population of conservative-libertarian readers.

Perhaps it's a matter of perspective. I'm more of a conservative leaning libertarian, so Slashdot seems more left-leaning with some libertarian sympathies. So when I post in favor of civil liberties/privacy there is a lot of agreement. But there's a pretty strong leftist/authoritarian strain when it comes to economics, coupled with a fairly strong anti-gun sentiment. After all, if you're going to redistribute wealth and tell people how to live their lives, you can't have the unwashed masses be armed.

Comment Re:"getting boys and girls to play together" (Score 1) 490

How in the hell is this voted Offtopic when I'm commenting directly on the story summary?

Don't complain about mods, take the good with the bad. I get modded down all the time. It happens, particularly if you make a politically incorrect statements on a left-leaning site like Slashdot.

Comment Re:There's no winning with the feminist crowd... (Score 5, Insightful) 490

The right thing to do would be to make engineering toys that aren't "for" anyone.

That was the first option I mentioned. Just making engineering toys. When I was a kid, I had some female cousins around my age and we'd play with Lincoln Logs and Lego blocks all the time. They were just toys. Then they had their dolls and I had my Star Wars action figures. There were some things we both liked, and other things we didn't. But that's not good enough. There's an insistence that we need more women in STEM because patriarchy, or whatever, and that these toys need to be designed to interest them. Then when somebody comes out and designs toys to interest girls in STEM, the complaint is that they're too girly. That was the entire point of my previous post.

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