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Comment Re:Who watches the watchers (Score 0) 243

Term limits are:
1) Undemocratic
2) Stupid
It takes a while to do anything, so while you may make it harder for elected leaders to do bad things but you also make it harder for elected leaders to do good things.

The smart power hungry sociopaths will just create or move to positions of power where the term limits (and elections) do not apply to them and continue influencing the incompetent figureheads and ruling over voters. Becomes less democratic that way too.

Which seems similar to what is happening now, only more so.

People deciding who they want as leaders is democratic. Term limits restricting their choice is not democratic.

The real solution is the smart people taking the time to educate the stupid and ignorant ones rather then going "Oh Noes, the voters are too stupid, we should remove choice from them - even the choice of re-electing someone they want for another term".

It seems to me that 98% of the US voters who bothered to vote prefer either R or D, instead of the other alternatives. If you think they shouldn't then you shouldn't be trying to stop them against their will. You should be trying to convince them.

Unless of course there are no better alternatives. In which case, Democracy is working as well as it can, and your real problem is elsewhere.

Comment Re:I would think (Score 1) 379

Taking any significant amount of time makes measurement easier, and errors smaller, and hence this type of attack easier.

Unless you only respond after X + random Y milliseconds, no matter how long it actually takes to do the calculation (where X milliseconds is longer than the max time it takes to do the calculation).

Takes more time, but makes timing attacks a lot harder.

Comment Re:Government is a tool (Score 2) 243

Government is only a corporate tool. Corporations are the shadow actors created by the super-rich to give themselves vehicles for action that are both superior to the state, and state-sanctioned legitimacy in this superiority.

Hating the "Government" is like pig-iron hating the hammer and the forge - not the Blacksmith.

Comment Re:Too poor (Score 1) 341

Exhaustion of the trust fund is NOT the end of SS. There is still enough income to pay some 3/4 of the benefit just from ongoing receipts assuming that there is no change in the current law.

Usually what happens when there are issues like this on the table is the law is changed; on such change is the idea you suggested.

The real issue is Medicare funding. The ACA helps a little with that, but there will be more and fairly drastic changes needed for that.

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