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Comment Re:He, Him, His (Score 1) 150

Or maybe he just wrote about what he knew. Many of his settings were either like New York or a little Russian village after all. It could be argued that since most of the stuff was about ideas the setting and characterisation didn't matter so much.
While most of his writing is good stuff he wasn't exactly Joseph Conrad so there's not so much focus on the people in the stories.

Comment Re:Until we upgrade the dumb bunnies (Score 1) 384

The legacy of "Charlie Wilson's War" means anyone who cares about the future is going to spend a bit of time checking details.
If we'd asked our "allies" the Saudis for advice they would have recommended doing the same as them and giving ISIS money and guns. The real answer to the stability of the region is stop buying oil from the Saudis so that they can't fund terrorists. You'd think we would have worked that out in 9/11 considering where Bin Laden got his funding.

Comment Re:Boy toy (Score 2) 786

I suspect the reality was that as wages in the sector grew the women were squeezed out.
As late as 1987 I was in a CS class with just over 50% women. Today I see more women in mining and heavy industry jobs, literally at the coalface instead of just in the office, than in IT. Pretty weird isn't it for something that was dismissed as "women's work" to the extent where I couldn't even do a class in typing at high school because that was strictly girls only.

Comment Re:Having a Surgeon General would help (Score 1) 384

With respect, an anti-gun viewpoint should not matter at all in a role like that since guns are not part of the job.

Of course this was never actually about guns though, as with most of the US "gun debate" it's about being on the "right team", which in one case happens to contain a dysfunctional sporting club with far too much political power - and in the other case fill in whatever partisan insults you want to use. By being "anti-gun", or more likely just anti-NRA rant of the week, he's shown he's not "on the right team" so it's not really about guns is it?

Comment Re:Until we upgrade the dumb bunnies (Score 1) 384

It would have helped if he'd used that time to actually come up with a plan........

What plan then - help ISIS, help other groups backed by Iran or help Assad?

I'm not sure time would have helped. A major worry now is ISIS went for deliberate provocation and seem to want us to drop bombs on the area and we are doing exactly what they want. Why they want it is a bit of a mystery, but those video nasties were designed for that purpose.

Comment Re:Politics (Score 1) 384

Effectively been done in a small way by sending a team and troops to isolate it at the source before it spreads to millions. More of the same is the sane way to do it (according to some medical professionals that call themselves experts in tropical diseases). Attempting to cut it off at the border didn't work with Spanish Flu after the WWI and would be far more difficult to attempt today. Cancel all flights in and out of the USA for a month and it may still come in via Canada or Mexico.

Comment Re: Conflict of interest is just what they do (Score 1) 83

Good point, but I can only despair from afar at what you guys have lost and wonder why so few of you even bother to get off your arses to vote. I've also avoided visiting thanks to the TSA etc - I've soaked up enough rads without getting exposed to a radiation source set up by unqualified monkeys and not checked by any third party, let alone the consequences of maybe getting sick in a country where health care is a minor and relatively poorly funded side effect of insurance.

Comment Re:WTF, the antarctic gets FO before me? (Score 3, Interesting) 92

Maybe, but that's just a guess isn't it? Perhaps it's a good idea to let scientists take a look at it to understand what is going on instead of attempting to trump reality by some sort of political fiat. Even if some declare the climate has never changed since Genesis there's still a great deal of value for global weather forecasting in monitoring conditions in Antarctica - it's half the reason Scott etc went there a century ago after all.
King Canute's lesson to his court over how political will cannot command nature is very apt. You can shout from the rooftops that nothing is happening but there is some reason why last month was the hottest September in more than a century. Putting on a blindfold is not going to help.

Comment Re:Classic Samsung... (Score 1) 101

I don't trust samsung. but sadly, I did buy a bunch of 840 evo drives over the last year or 2. damn.

samsung is known as the company that makes things last 'the warranty period + 1 day'. almost literally. almost to an art form.

samsung lcd's also are built like crap. one after another, their electrolytics die (fake china caps; like so many others). buying japanese (nichicon, panasonic, etc) low ESR caps usually brings the monitors back to life. I've fished several out of the trash cans and restored them via simple psu cap replacements.

but dammit samsung, why do you have to be SO cheap??

guess I should start avoiding all samsung things, now. I'm tired of their crap.

Comment Re:Old news (Score 1) 399

Hmm, now I'm curious. A fighter may have a takeoff weight of say 15000kg. Let's say that the "short lean female" saves 40kg over an "average male". With the other reductions - clothing, oxygen, etc - you probably get down to maybe a 60kg savings. That's a 0,4% reduction in system mass. The rocket equation (applicable here too) probably boosts that up to about a 0,5% benefit in many regards. Still not that much

However, if you can shrink the cockpit , then you're looking at a much bigger advantage - possibly 100-200kg extra weight savings and maybe cutting 5-10% off the total aero drag. That could actually be a big deal - relevantly faster accelerations, top speed, range, etc.

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