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Comment Re:Yet another reason.. (Score 2) 367

Never rate an app from within the app itself. We all know it's super convienent, but at the same time it's subject to this kind of trickery.

Never mind that it doesn't actually *do* anything. You can only rate apps from Google Play itself, the star rating in EA is a *separate* star rating system, that happens to forward you to Google Play (to rate again) if you clicked 5 stars.

It's sneaky and shit, but not actually a security issue in Play ratings.

Comment Re:You were not hired to finish the project (Score 1) 308

Hell, I would never say you shouldn't cover yourself, but advising someone to run before they've even found out what the management are like seems a bit presumptuous to me. They could be shit and looking for a fall-guy (but really, that's alot of expense and effort, why bother?), but they could just want someone to contribute to their project...

Comment Re:You were not hired to finish the project (Score 1) 308

If he makes it work, the original "respected" designer will jump in and claim all the credit.

If he doesn't, he, as the scapegoat contractor, will get all the blame.

No-win situation. Leave now.

If you want to be unprofessional and only ever want to take easy jobs, fine that's a route you can take. Other times you can work like an actual adult and solve the problems.

Comment Good for Android... not sure about Motorola (Score 3, Interesting) 172

Gotta say this is probably a better state for Android to be in from a "standard platform" point of view, a company making hardware and licencing its software to other hardware manufacturers hasn't work out very well in computing in the past. Either own the lot (Apple) or provide yourself as a service but don't compete (Microsoft pre-Surface). If you compete and licence, you end up being Apple during the clone years, or Palm. Companies might take a free ride on a crocodile, but they'll get off when they can cause it's not very safe...

Lenovo has done a decent job with Thinkpad, so it's not entirely doom for Moto either.

Comment Re:Useful for developers (Score 1) 47

This makes me consider developing Chrome apps where previously I had not considered it.

Excellent. Please don't, though.

As a phone user (as well as a developer) I appreciate fast, easy to use, properly designed software. I have yet to see any piece of javascripted HTML that comes close to what a native app achieves. Even after all this time, all those javascript engine improvements, all those faster processors, anything that isn't pretty basic web *sucks* on mobile. That and the culture of web development never seems to take offline / unreliable connection as a serious issue, or supporting less-than-latest phones. Can we give up on the web-app emperors new clothes now?

Comment Re:Keep the love coming! (Score 3, Informative) 212

Once again, what does this have to do with ordinary citizens? Yes, agreed that Snowden's disclosure of PRISM was relevant, but he's just grasping at straws with this one.

That's pretty extreme myopia to decide that it doesn't matter because 'ordinary citizens' aren't affected... it doesn't have to directly immediately target normal people to affect them.

But to answer your question, ordinary citizens *are* directly affected, they have jobs in these companies. Ordinary citizens are shareholders of these companies (Even non-explicit shareholders, of you have a pension then you have shares one way or another).

Comment Re:Artists should support free speech (Score 2) 106

Artists should support free speech even when its their speech that is being commented upon.

That's not really how art or artists work... Good art is nearly always the product of a strict hierarchical or one-man's-vision approach to a creation. And OpenTTD is a bit more than just 'inspiration' isn't it... the interface and graphics and copied *exactly*, with extra features. It might be entirely legal, but we're not jumping off from inspiration to new game, we're copying the first game and extending it.

Also, it's not a matter of free-speech, he's not tried to shut the project down, he just doesn't like it. That is entirely his prerogative.

Comment Re:Creepy (Score 2) 1034

The only way it doesn't work, is if you are actually stupid enough to keep talking.

They don't have to charge you! They can take you into custody without charging you for 48 hours! (72 in some states). I don't know how you can not think that's a problem. You want to play hardball, they can also do that.

Also, I'd like to see how well your police system works if everybody genuinely followed that advice. It would be impossible.

Comment Re:Creepy (Score 5, Insightful) 1034

Your empathy with someone wrongly harassed and detained is impressive. Tell me, can you be so sure when faced with professional interrogators that you would do exactly the 'correct' thing that you claim? They know what they are doing, you know, they're not idiots. Wouldn't they just change their tack... can you anticipate their every move?

Try to be annoyed at the right people, this stuff matters. Rights are not supposed to be just for the people who know how to play the system.

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