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Comment Re:So, in essence, Uber's app is malware (Score 5, Informative) 234

How about Google does something about it? Like remove the app and takes Uber to court? I'm sure they can find a few terms in the app developer contract that they have violated.

Worse than that, Google an an invester of Uber. They have put in $250million, they should just go and demand that Uber stop fucking about.

Comment Re:Shattered (Score 1) 473

I just disagree that this is 'screwing people over'. You contribte to a Kickstarter, and they start a 2-year development cycle, it's a bit naive to expect exactly everything to work out as was originally planned. You have to expect a bit of give and take in the actual result.

Comment Re:Shattered (Score 1) 473

As has been pointed out before in this story, a lie requires intent. It is a bit of a stretch to claim they never intended to make a disconnected game, just that it hasn't worked out that way. A project that has been in development for nearly 2 years does not know all the challenges and how the whole thing is going to turn out. Things change all the time.

It would be far more accurate to say that they 'failed' to make what was initially promised, and then perhaps we can be a little less over emotional about it.

Comment Re:Shattered (Score 1, Insightful) 473

Frontier is going to fold, and you know it.

What you need to do is pay attention to who is in charge of this, and find ways to boycott any products they have anything to do with in the future. Especially the bastards who were involved in the marketing.

Yeah! Let's make sure we punish people for the rest of their lives! Damn them for not providing me with my exact requirements!

The internet has turned into somewhere we can destroy people. It's ugly.

Comment Re:This is a legal matter. (Score 2) 159

I think his point is that you can shortcut the inevitable ignoring of a badly worded threat if you get a well-worded threat in the first place. Given the damage that's currently being done waiting the 7 days or whatever and actually starting a lawsuit you probably don't actually want to carry out... better to get a lawer immediately.

Comment Re:Design flaws (Score 2) 88

All they have, before they release the probe, was a series of GO / NO GO checklist, on the few chosen "preferred landing spot" on that comet

There was no contigensy plan for the many "what ifs" that may happen

Do you have any reason to believe this, any actual evidence that there wasn't a long list of contingencies, or are you just making it up? Because I certainly don't know all the inner workings of the ESA, and since you've provided no links then I somewhat doubt that you do either.

Comment Re:Bullshit (Score 1) 200

Do you honestly think that network traffic will never be contested? That it is realistic to have highways wide enough that there will never be congestion? In a real internet (in fact on the internet for its entire existence), the network is managed. Different data has different priorities, it just does. It would be nice if the user could determine them but at the moment the technology is that the network provider determines them.

The real question is is the provider being a dick about it, not whether they manage their network.

Comment Re:Boycott ASDA (Score 1) 165

Plenty of other employers around, the staff don't have to work at ASDA if they don't want to.

Ah yes, in a country with permenantly more people than jobs (only recently dropping below 7%) is clearly a country with plenty of other employers around. Some people do not have a great deal of choice over their employer.

Comment Re:Define trolling (Score 1) 489

I hope they have defined properly what they mean with "trolling". By definition, trolling means writing inflammatory comments that excite people to write indignant responses. Thus, for example, bullying or threats do not technically count as trolling.

Not really, the definition has shifted in popular use. Like 'hacking' meaning 'programming quickly' changed to 'illegally gaining access', trolling now is synonymous with 'bullying / threatening online' in popular usage. Its use has changed therefore your definition doesn't follow anymore.

Comment Re:Git is an example of Linus Torvalds at his wors (Score 3, Informative) 387

If we care about him, and we should, we must help him become more socially capable. For example, he could recognize when his anger is caused by not getting enough caring in childhood,

Who the FLYING FUCK are you to determine that? What gives you the right to judge the way someone else goes about their interactions? To decide that they are in need of you help?

This sort of bullshit moral superior armslength personal judgement makes me So Fucking Angry. You don't know him. You are not his therapist. You have no right to tell someone you do not know how they are in need of your help.

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