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Journal Journal: Explanation of Previous Post 3

Since I realize it wasn't really that clear...

God = CmdTaco
Hell = /.
Heaven = "Multiply"
Guy Defiantly Flippin' the Bird at Taco = Me

Nope, I ain't going anywhere. I'm staying right here.

"I aim these directly at you! Bring it on!"

Journal Journal: Divide 2

Al fine de le sue parole il ladro
le mani alzò con amendue le fiche,
gridando: "Togli, Dio, ch'a te le squadro!"

- Dante Alighieri, The Divine Comedy, Canto XXV


Journal Journal: Just Watched BSG Season Finale 8

Fuck Ron Moore and fuck SciFi network. That's just plain sloppy writing. I'm sorry I ever started watching this hack-job of a TV series.

It's no wonder that its ratings are so low they can barely get it back for one more season and all the cast members are jumping ship. I hope they series gets cancelled mid-season and Ron Moore and his writers never work again. Fuck all of them.


GNU is Not Unix

Journal Journal: Sunday Evening Work-Related Post 3

UNIX uses '\n'

Windows uses '\r\n'

Who though that one up?

(Yes, I'm aware some other systems use '\r' alone. Those systems aren't used to host enterprise messaging applications).

User Journal

Journal Journal: M.txt 4

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United States

Journal Journal: MLK: "Why I Am Opposed to the War in Vietnam" 4

April 30, 1967, Riverside Church, New York

The sermon which I am preaching this morning in a sense is not the usual kind of sermon, but it is a sermon and an important subject, nevertheless, because the issue that I will be discussing today is one of the most controversial issues confronting our nation. I'm using as a subject from which to preach, "Why I Am Opposed to the War in Vietnam."

User Journal

Journal Journal: pp.rtf 2

pp./...ikl. Chgywsdv gedc c mcg 8 xcv n

.,. nnnnnnnnnnnhjup, /. Zx


Do You Tell a Job Candidate How Badly They Did? 702

skelter asks: "I have been lamenting with friends in the industry about interviewing woes and the candidates that we find. Consider a hypothetical job candidate comes in after some how making it through screening. In the team technical interview they prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that not only is he (or she) not as adequate as he thinks he is, but has demonstrated that he is a danger to any code base. Do you tell them? Quietly step away, usher them out and say nothing? Play with them on the whiteboard the way your cat plays with injured mice? Should you leave them as their own warning to others? Is there any obligation to guide them to gaining real experience? Can you give them any advice or is it all liability?"
User Journal

Journal Journal: fgm.txt 1


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Journal Journal: A New Era 7

Well, my employer got acquired. After the first of the year I'll be working for the largest stock exchange in the world.

I haven't been writing here much because I've been working like crazy. I still read Teh Journals on my Palm during my morning commute.

Still fencing. Even with about 5 weeks training I managed to earn national points in Richmond.

Thoughts? Comments?

United States

Journal Journal: The Decision: 2006 1

The otherday I got my sample ballot in the mail. Let's see which parties I have to choose from this Tuesday:

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Those who can, do; those who can't, write. Those who can't write work for the Bell Labs Record.
