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Comment CFL (Score 1) 196

'twas a CFL, or more specifically a box of six at about $5 each. it took a while before I settled on a brand that lasted longer than six months.

I have bought a few LED ones too - they have good emitters, but the cheap mains capacitors in the ballasts let them down, blowing after a relatively short period.

I would still really like to see CFL and LED bulbs come out with separate ballasts. Then you can just replace the part that's failed.

Comment Priorities (Score 1) 427

Here's my priorities for a smart-watch, in decreasing order of importance. Satisfy all of these and I'll consider wearing one:

  1. Battery life. Useless if it needs charging every day or two.
  2. Responsiveness. Staring blankly at a spinner while the watch synchronizes is a show-stopper.
  3. Security. How easy is it for someone else to connect to it or the controlling tablet/phone without my permission?
  4. Feature set. Yes, this is only fourth on the priority list.
  5. Price. I'd rather it didn't cost a month's wages to buy one, but if they become popular enough there will be a second-hand market soon enough.

Comment Re:Doesn't this violate TOS? (Score 1) 184


ISPs are now a basic utility. They provide bandwidth through which you perform your online activities. That "series of tubes" analogy, while simplistic, applies quite well here. You're renting a small tube.

In no way should a utility be liable for the actions of its customers. When a psychopath electrocutes puppies in their garage is the electricity company held liable?
When someone floods their neighbours basement with a garden hose is the water company liable?
Then it should not be so for ISPs, who should as a result have no just cause to snoop on what goes through their "tubes".

Legally this isn't the case in most jurisdictions, but it damn well should be.

Comment Halo syndrome (Score 4, Insightful) 215

They were probably paid lots of money by a certain monopolist to cripple the PC version so as to not make their XBox version look so bad in side-by-side comparisons. The lowest common denominator wins again.

Title explanation: Recall that Halo for PC was never released. A pity because it looked quite good. What eventually came out on the PC was a low-quality port of the XBox version.

Submission + - Unisys phasing out decades-old mainframe processor for x86 (computerworld.com.au)

angry tapir writes: Unisys is phasing out its decades-old mainframe processor. The chip is used in some of Unisys' ClearPath flagship mainframes, but the company is moving to Intel's x86 chips in Libra and Dorado servers in the ClearPath line. The aging CMOS chip will be "sunsetted" in Libra servers by the end of August and in the Dorado line by the end of 2015. Dorado 880E and 890E mainframes will use the CMOS chip until the servers are phased out, which is set to happen by the end of 2015.

Comment Re:Shit, not again (Score 1) 34

Yes indeed, "not again". The US system of taxes on prizes is utterly ludicrous. No way should the recipient of a prize be liable for any kind of payment. Tax the prizes if you must, but that will be payable by the organization that issues the prize.

And don't get me started on a slightly OT rant about the retarded situation that permits US mobile carriers to charge customers to receive SMS messages.

Comment Re:I never felt right after tonsillectomy (Score 1) 90

There could be a relationship there.

More likely though is that children grow in bursts and you may have had such a growth spurt coincide with the surgery. Children who have become accustomed to their bodies having certain parameters (height, mass, limb length, etc), can and do often appear clumsy and less coordinated overall for a period when these parameters suddenly change. Although I suspect this is more evident in teenagers.

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