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Comment Re:If an IOT device phones home DO NOT BUY IT (Score 1) 131

I think you'll find the prevailing attitude is "avoid useless technology".

Granted there is a certain level of geek cred for connecting something to the net that has never been connected before, but at a practical level I have absolutely no need for my television, kettle or frickin light bulbs to be Internet connected.

Now that it is well established that 1) Governments want to spy on you and 2) Companies want to spy on you, I would expect that you, a reasonably seasoned Slashdotter, would see the folly in a novelty convenience against massive security implications.

Comment Re:Yes. (Score 1) 435

Really? I have yet to see a display, HDR or otherwise, that can come anywhere close to the dynamic range of the outdoors. If you have ever seen the sun rise or set from a plane you will know what I mean.

Comment Oblig xkcd? (Score 1) 403

Sounds like a question for Randall's "What If" series.

Fascinating question though. I should imagine one of the voyager probes perhaps, or a solar powered beacon on a hill somewhere. A lot of stuff on Earth is very dependent on regular maintenance so I wouldn't imagine much stuff still working fifty years from the hypothetical extinction event.

Comment Dinosaurs (Score 1) 244

Seriously, there are plenty of ways a band can publish their music now with no need for a distribution contract. Here's a few off the top of my head:

Magnatune (Haven't checked if they still exist - they made a big deal about not being "evil")
Google Play
Hell there's YouTube if you're desperate :)

Comment Re:Disableable (Score 2) 371

How is this any different from what has previously been going on with the evil NetFlix DRM being implemented in more general-purpose plugins such as Flash and Silverlight?

The Mozilla Foundation's choice was to either enable it or be "that browser that doesn't work properly with NetFlix".

Don't blame Firefox for this course of action. Blame NetFlix or, ultimatey, the content studios.

Don't like it? You'd be better off boycotting NetFlix than Firefox.

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The rule on staying alive as a forecaster is to give 'em a number or give 'em a date, but never give 'em both at once. -- Jane Bryant Quinn
