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Comment CloudFlare *threatened* to disconnect the proxy (Score 0) 160

If CloudFlare is so concerned about it's other customers, it would have just disconnected the proxy's services and applied to have the blockade removed, not "threatened" to disconnect the proxy.

Any reputable cloud provider would disconnect any of their customers deemed to be hosting illegal content.

But no, they're going to strand their other customers rather than strike down the one customer that is actually causing the problem in order to score "political points" about ISP responsibility.

Feh. Whether you feel that "piracy" is wrong or not, it's clear that if the legal system is mandating the blockade of one of your customer's services, you should be getting rid of that customer, not whinging about how the blockade is affecting your other users.

User Journal

Journal Journal: April 2015 has been a busy month

April 2015 has been a busier month than I'm used to.

I got MSS Code Factory 2.1 Service Pack 1 out the door after over two months of work.

I packed up and moved to a new apartment.

Comment I blame upper management (Score 2) 67

Upper management at most companies view IT as a set of tasks or items you can check off as "done", requiring no further investment or maintenance. I blame them for the sorry state of affairs that allows these "security" companies to advertise and sell "in a box" products that are supposed to "take care of your security."

If upper management would realize that things like security and infrastructure are things that need constant maintenance, enhancement, and upgrades, we wouldn't be in this pickle. Nor would we be stuck with applications that are running on three-major-revision-old vendor products, subject to a whole raft of security issues that could be addressed by upgrading them.

Comment The true burden (Score 3, Insightful) 385

The true burden lies in thinking a "high IQ" means you're better than other people. There are many valuable skills and talents which are not measured by an IQ test, including art, music, empathy, and so on.

The burden is the arrogance of presuming IQ means intelligence. It does not. It is simply one metric for measuring skillsets.

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Heard that the next Space Shuttle is supposed to carry several Guernsey cows? It's gonna be the herd shot 'round the world.
