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Comment mono-culture browser: what could go wrong? (Score 4, Interesting) 17

This is IE6 all over again.

We used to have 3 almost equally popular Browsers. Now we have 2.

History is about to be repeated for millennials:
-Bug won't get fixed because they don't have to.
-Undocumented non-standard extensions to HTML, etc.
-Browser-specific sites. (Standards? fsck that!)
-Crackers focusing on the ONE browser with the big market share because it pays off big.

Comment Re:Maybe we should terraform Terra before Mars... (Score 1) 122

While it does make sense it will not happen.

#1 thing to do for terraforming is to establish a magnetic shield at Mars' L1. It will need a nuclear source of power so it wont happen until NIMBY-ism ends.

So the next best thing to do is make O2 and Methane on Mars as its atmosphere continues to fly away. Just like Venus.

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