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Comment Re:Short Answer (Score 1) 276

The "desktop" isn't going anywhere in my home. My tablet is fine for pure consumption, email, Facebook, Netflix, etc. But it is totally inadequate even for something as simple as ranting on my favorite web forum. I could switch to a Chrombook far more easily than I could to iOS or Android, but Google Docs isn't as good as MS Office, and where would I put my top secret plans for world domination?

Comment Re:questions (Score 1) 408

Don't get me started about 4-way stops! In my neighborhood, the city, in its infinite non-wisdom, replaced several intersection's traffic lights with 4-way stops to save money. IMHO, it's a mess! Half the time, it's not clear who was first/next to the intersection, and more than half don't seem to realize you should yield to the vehicle on the right.

Comment Re:So far so good. (Score 1) 211

I'm certainly a better tech than my boss, even though she came thrugh the tech fields and is no PHB. I'm very definitely not a better boss than she is. At best, I might BS my way through the job, hating every minute until I got fed up and quit. More likely, they'd catch onto my incompetence (in that role) and can me before I quit.

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All great discoveries are made by mistake. -- Young
