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Comment Re:Prepare to restore from backup often (Score 1) 267

When you cut and paste, the length and hence complexity will significantly increase ie a 15 character password can become a 128 character password. Now should that become default, the entered password no longer needs to be characters at all but can be a straight up bit stream of significant length. They then of course need access to your device to break down your password.

Comment Re:N4N? (Score 2, Troll) 365

tech how?

It's not, but Friday night is #GamerGate and MRAs night on Slashdot, when 8chan empties out and all the manbabies meet here to cry about how the feminazis are taking away their games and comics and action figures.

Look back a few months. It happens every Friday. There is a story about gender or sexual orientation or something that can be construed as violating the natural order of the primacy of white men. Then, the tears start to flow and it all ends in the gators and the MRAs in one big group hug.

It's harmless, really. If it keeps them off the streets, I'm all for them having their own neckbeard hugbox.

Comment Re:What difference does it make (Score 1) 124

Where the point in reality is to readily selectively destroy people's lives if they don't vote right. So, the government can readily check you political allegiances and if you didn't vote right, prevent you from ever gaining government employment. Now, seriously, you don't think all right wing governments will be trolling through meta data to exclude left wing employees to ensure all government departments are stacked with ring wing employee, so even when the left wins their policies purposefully fail. That is why they are keeping meta data, when filtering millions to exclude thousands with out them knowing, to gain and maintain total control. Not only wont you be getting that government job if you don't vote right but you will be excluded from corporate employment, they will economically destroy you. The message, thinking left, see it makes you are failure, think right to succeed. It is as truly evil as it appears to be.

Comment Re:Running joke (Score 2) 269

No that is not true at all. In this case the reality is they get fully funded by the government and their activities are only reviewed annually at budget time. Also they incorporate already full time career, paid staff, with university educations.

That's right radio free Europe is owned by the US government, the worlds staunchest defender of the truth, bwa hah hah hah. You guys so funny, it's like you're not even trying any more. Here read this, I mean seriously, dudes, be a little more artful in your subterfuges. Yes, all US government sources of information have been permanently tainted, well, at least until significant reform in the US electoral process has been seen and that starts to reflect in government administration.

Bwa hah hah hah (those full timers are spies, not very good ones it seems but yes NSA and/or CIA not sure how well those two play together, each seeking to grab their own power base). No I am not Russian nor am I paid by Russia, not that I would be averse to being paid by Russia, there ain't anything evil in that. The evil is in what you do and the means used always justify the ultimate end (not that short term one you think you win but the real consequences you end up with).

Comment Re:Cher gouvernement (Score 1) 237

If you are going to have not-gambling (in reality just betting until the odds guarantee you lose), then isn't it better that only the government be allowed to play and that money go to pay for social services, rather than lining some slimy shit head greedy piece of shit arsehole's pockets as well as the lying advertisers who promote losing at those establishment whilst pretending you are winning.

Really it should be law, that all for profit gambling, should actually be an equal odds gamble and both sides should share the exact same chance of losing. When the government does it, should it not be only for tax services, to pay for social services. Allowing the other in full knowledge of the reality of what is actually going on is the epitome of corruption.

The reality of course about website blocking is the thin edge of the wedge to allow, corporations via their control of government to allow full and total censorship of the internet unless you can pay significant sums for access. Every single corporate controlled right wing government continually relentlessly pushes the censorship line and the argument is it must be safe for sheep 'er' children.

Comment Re:it could have been an accident (Score 1) 737

The flip side of your claim is of course, if you are going to murder someone and make it look like suicide, after doing every thing else right, you make the mistake of shooting them in the head twice.

Problem here seems to be a global of problem of right wing cheapness and stupidity resulting in a collapse of proper mental health services. Perhaps certain roles, police, pilot, teacher, doctor, nurse, politician should undergo regular mental health check ups as well as of course at initial application to make sure they are in the proper mental state to carry out the role. Perhaps there should not be such great stigma associated with mental health and shock horror, government paid temporary payments whilst a person is recovering should be made, because of duration of illness and time to assure reasonably safe access back to work. Perhaps mental health services should be much more accessible and fully covered by universal health.

care. Nah, that's just to damn expensive, cheaper to 'PRETEND' to care how the poor and middle class die and make token efforts that look like they might have affect and then let the suckers die. Just fly private jet with pilots that we do check and dump at the slightest hint of mental illness.

Yep, we are dying all over the place directly because of a right wing cheap ass attitude to mental health services and will continue to do so if we believe stupid things like, lock the cockpit door to keep terrorist out but allow it to be opened from the outside, how about arm the crew yep the whole crew, shoot out in the plane will save everyone. Nah, just stick with PR=B$ to make them believe we are doing something about the problem while actually doing not much at all.

Comment Re:I wouldn't mind the NSA so much if... (Score 1) 167

The US does not back coups, bwa ha ha, except when they do

Now if was done to an insider corporation or corporate executive, you can bet, they all would go all out to track the criminals down and have it solved in short order.

Comment Re:Prepare to restore from backup often (Score 2) 267

I have a even simpler option. Use a pass phrase that you can easily remember. Now before you use that pass phrase, pass it through an encryption program that will encrypt it in the same manner every time. Then use that encrypted content as the actual password. Now that encryption is done locally on the fly and it never passes across the internet nor is it stored any where, except locally. By the addition of one step it becomes very complex whilst still in reality being easy to remember. When you want to access the password, simply type in your easy to remember phrase, access the encrypted password and preferably cut and paste it in. You could use a separate encrypted password for every site all actually based upon you one preferred password, each encrypted password being different based upon including the site name into the encryption algorithm. You could build all of this into the browser, so you only need a local master password to access many different sites with many different passwords. This could be a core function of web browsers, rather than an add on. So 'easytoremeberpassword' becomes '23d5n039tn310(ME))()@JFjfjfs@#%NFI@' now good luck with that. It works better because password checking programs could double the processing time between each failed password attempt (it doesn't tale make attempts to slow the process way down) and if they have the password, when text recognition programs try to figure out that it is the password and not just another failed encrypted pass, simply fail to recognise when they have the password.

Comment Re:What difference does it make (Score 2) 124

To stupidly force the creation of apps that will run on people's computers randomly accessing all kinds of sites all over the internet to flood the databases with hundreds of thousands of bogus entries. Nothing does more to destroy databases than bogus entries that poison it to death. When 90% of your browser data requests are fake and cancelled prior to retrieving the data, what are they left with, apart from a massive bill ten times bigger than they expected. Let's just flood the crap out of meta-data, they want to pry, let them pry into an completely fake illusion.

Comment Re:Why not? (Score 1) 124

Because the more people who vote for the non-colluding parties the sooner change will occur. Doing nothing, surprise, surprise, surprise achieves exactly fucking nothing. Want change then start working towards, don't have to win, you just have to try and who knows you might have some fun annoying the crap out of them.

Comment Re:Using PayPal to pay for a nuke... (Score 3, Insightful) 68

So paypay needs to do exactly what mastercard does when it comes to paying bribes and laundering money. Issue business debit cards that are not in the persons name. They give the bribe recipient the card and the bribe recipient can spend the money available, with all expenditures going against the laundering companies income tax and all purchase by the bribe recipient are hidden. So basically they give birth to fake people, as corporations and the corporate pretend person spends the money not the real individual who is actually the corporation. Why do you think they bother with all that paperwork, lie, cheat and steal, it is simply how they deal.

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