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Comment Re:Some individuals are excessively sensitive (Score 1) 160

Think of it as a generalized version of Poe's law.

FWIW, I think of Poe's law more as a statement about the asymmetry between an experience and the desire to comment about it than about something inherent in an individual. When people dislike something, they're more likely to comment about it than when they don't care or are pleased by it. And more emotionally intense messages are more likely to be promulgated as memes because they cause a greater fraction of people to react to them.

Comment I wasn't using those features anyway... (Score 1) 92

First, Rick Beato uses Pro Tools. So a soul might think that they could pick up an iPad and at least get started making music with it.

I'm thinking of two use cases here. The first is the guy who has been recording on his iPad with the headphone jack and now discovers that in addition to the new iPad being exorbitantly expensive, it can't even do what his old one did. So this guy instead figures it's time to break the Apple habit and discovers that he can do quite a bit better for quite a bit less. He won't be buying another Apple product.

The second use case is that of the young adult, who tries laying down a few tracks with an iPad and BT headset, only to become really frustrated with the delay. He doesn't understand why he should buy yet another piece of hardware so he can have the same functionality already included in his android phone. So he instead calls the rest of the band over and records the whole thing live with his phone. Again, someone else who won't be buying an Apple product.

It used to be that as long as you were paying the Apple surcharge, you could get something that had all the features you needed and would Just Work. As much as I've recommended Apple over the years - because, generally speaking, they've built better products that Microsoft - it's getting to the point where I have to ask, "You don't intend to use this for professional work, do you?"

Comment Collaboration (Score 5, Insightful) 61

But in the next decade, the COO believes talking to an AI like you would with a friend, teammate, or project collaborator will be the new norm.

Just remember: This upcoming AI may very well be a friend, teammate or collaborator. But it will be to the corporation that creates it, not to you.

Just like with current tech companies, their business partners and advertisers will be their customers. You will still be the product, but with the creepiness factor cranked up by an order of magnitude.

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