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Comment Re:Dumb (Score 1) 152

It's not really 'credit' in that time frame. We are talking about simple price stability. Having 30 days to pay your metered electric bill is not really credit, it's just allowing for reasonable delay on the part of the billed individual for the logistics of allocated and spending money. post-paid metered stuff works like that all the time. If post-paid really bothers you, then wait until a product announce is willing to state MSRP in BTC.

Comment Re:File with the FCC (Score 1) 285

At this point you would have to be buying decade old networking gear to not support ipv6. I would stick away from cisco for a school and many other places as real lifetime support on networking gear is built in by HP etc so cisco's TCO sucks, tack on the support bait and switch you need a service contact BS.

From the sounds of this district it's extremely poor, internet access can be a game changer in education for the kids and their parents.

Comment Re:But /why/? (Score 1) 152

- except for the "no inflation"

I don't think anyone can claim that bitcoin cannot have inflation. It has hyperinflation and hyperdeflation in pretty frequent intervals.

They can claim that the inflation/deflation is not within the reach of government manipulation, but it definitely does happen in very chaotic unpredictable ways. One's tinfoil hat has to be on very tight to see that as an improvement.

Comment Re:Dumb (Score 1) 152

If I can pay my bills or buy something with Bitcoin, it's the exception and not the rule

That's a low bar to set. If you can get a price or invoice in BTC that gives you a month to pay it off, then I'll start considering it a viable 'currency'. Accepting bitcoin with just-in-time pricing is very low risk and it's cheap for a company to do that for publicity with no downside. A company need not believe in bitcoin in all to do it. A company believes in bitcoin if it will commit to a long term price for anything it supplies or purchases.

Comment Re:Not actually accepting bitcoins. RTFA (Score 1) 152

by your argument, dell selling computers in france and generating euros would be a sham because they then call their bank to convert to USD (their reporting currency) at some point.

If 'at some point' is 'when tax laws and reporting make it most effective' it is a bit different than 'at some point' being seconds after the sale, with quotes longer than 15 minutes being considered invalid.

Notably dell will announce products with MSRP in dollars, euros, pounds, etc. They will not do the same in BTC, they will instead do a just-in-time quote that is invalid about as quickly as they can get away with. There is no even vague assumption about BTC value from one hour to the next, unlike the other currencies.

Comment Re:Not actually accepting bitcoins. RTFA (Score 1) 152

"Actual" currency is just the middleman to trading goods and services.

But people 'save' currency and plan retirements around quantities of it and such. Value fluctuations are real and troublesome of course, but in general this works. I give a company 30,000 dollars and they will keep it in an account for some non-trivial time and report their quarterly success in terms of those figures. They will at least talk about the value of currency in a manner that assumes pretty much absolute stability over 3 months and even project their expectations for how much money they will get and spend over the next several years.

All the companies worth their salt that elect to engage in bitcoin in a way to get publicity, but none want to plan for the value of the 'currency' for more than 15 minutes. You won't see dell doing a promotional price in terms of the bitcoin value, but rather you get the price converted to bitcoin as you pay for it with a quote that is invalid 20 minutes later.

Comment Re:My experience (Score 1) 272

Long story short, MS has proved they can buy a large market, but cannot figure out how to make a profit after achieving that end.

xbox 360 enjoyed a very brief couple of years of profitability that waned too quick to pay for the losses suffered in the years prior. xbox one tried to cash in on some of the carefully cultivated brand value only to see a fickle market jump sides and show their really wasn't much persistent brand loyalty (a lesson that also bit Sony in the ass in PS3). It's the only way I can figure MS would offer a lower spec system at significantly higher cost, a hail mary for margins to see if they could hit the ground profitable since so many people seemed to 'love' their xbox 360.

Also, xbox did nothing to build up the 'microsoft' brand, it basically built a new brand 'xbox'. Attempts to leverage that outside of gaming have fallen flat, so they don't get any residual benefit from the business unit whatsoever.

I'm guessing xbox one will be the last venture for MS-owned gaming. I suspect they will sell the brand since it has undeniable value, but MS cannot figure out how to profit from that and so it is time for them to give up.

It's also time to give up on surface RT (I frankly thought it was a misguided attempt in the first place) and on being a hardware company in general. All surface, surface pro, and nokia did was alienate current and potential partners. Looking at the market trends it is clear that 'trying to do it the apple way' is the wrong way. Apple is the only one to even remotely make it work, and they are losing ground to Android at large. This is actually very similar to how MS surpassed Apple, through a large ecosystem of vendors competing against each other by leveraging a common arms dealer. Problem for MS is that Google monetizes the platform in a different way so the classic 'pay for your software license' model that MS is used to doesn't fly.

Comment Re:Motion sickness is protective. (Score 1) 154

Or it could be a deviation that had little to no practical downside in selection since the world rarely went that weird in the past. It would explain why motion sickness is so prevelant, yet not close to universal. There may just have been very little selective pressure either way.

I think on the poison theory, if your senses are impacted, the ship has sailed on ejecting the poison.

If it was a selected-for trait, my completely unsubstantiated guess would be something about falling out of or maneuvering within trees. After all, people who get motion sick can get sick in excessively peculiar real-world motion without messing with reference points (e.g. some people do it on roller coasters without looking at the car that much, or on boats without looking at the floor).

Comment Can work for some.. (Score 2) 154

I have high hopes that the movement won't bother me, I've never had a hint of the issues many report, though I haven't tried VR, per se.

I will say even if there is a problem for people who can stand it when it's a conventional screen but lose it at the threshold of VR, there is yet hope for FPS genre without cockpits. Imagine playing your game and the monitor having the appearance of a movie theater screen. An experience that is totally impractical in reality, but not really much of a big deal in VR. There is a lot of interest in things like VR Cinema and virtual desktop ( In both cases, the medium is still fundamentally not motion sensing or surrounding in any way, but the concept of playing with screen size, curvature, and distance freely all while not imposing any particular posture is quite appealing.

Comment Re:Answer needed (Score 1) 390

Netflix has never "flooded" any lines, Comcast refused to upgrade their circuits with L3 meaning they did not provided the advertised speeds to the Internet through there own negligence. L3 was very clear they were happy to increase port count/speed Comcast refused to do so. L3 is a tier 1 Comcast is not yet L3 was providing them with free peering in the interest of making the internet work.

Comment Re:They're finishing off Nokia (Score 1) 272

The part that I'm wondering about is with these new, ultra efficient companies that merge up like crazy how much work is there going to be for the rest of us to do? Between that an automation it just looks like we're running out of work to do..

I think that's a bit of overestimation of these 'new, ultra efficient' companies. The volume of IT work has increased a lot over the past couple of decades, despite a seemingly more homogenous IT world with fewer 'newer, ultra efficient' companies (compared to the state of things in the early 90s).

In practice, the industry has just been shuffling I think. Some key specific cases see some gains or else loudly think they got gains, but there are losers too.

Some areas that were more automation friendly actually get less automated (some expensive automation features are falling out of favor in some datacenters in favor of low lost local labor). Many of these have sensibilities of 'buy a whole new server' rather than trying to fix something, meaning more volumes for their server vendors.

In the rise of 'cloud' we see a phenomenon where a lot of companies end up paying twice. They outsource their needs, but find out their IT staff actually is still needed (since the cloud providers actually don't help on as much as the stack as would be needed, and even when they do, they don't find a lot of takers). So they end up funding more headcount for their provider without getting to significantly reduce their own (which frequently means increased actual IT cost).

This is a bit on the pessimistic side of things, but these phenomenon add up to the chase for the 'magic bullet' continually driving change but not necessarily workforce reduction.

Comment Re:Answer needed (Score 1) 390

The government should threaten them because they are not providing the service their customers have paid for and they advertised. The Internet works because tier 1's all connect to each other and upgrade ports as they get saturated (good ISP's are proactive, ok ones last minute and crappy ones only after the link is saturated). While this is related to net neutrality it's primarily a false advertising issue, if they change their wording to correct that it's a DPUC (or similar) issue as they are no longer providing internet access per their monopoly contract.

Comment To be fair... (Score 2) 125

The closest thing to concrete data about that whole situation could accurately describe:
-Agency plugs in lenovo laptop with preload intact
-Agency notes that a TCP SYN packet was sent to China, but not allowed to actually get there.
-Agency says 'screw it' and bans it without further analysis

This could be nefarious or it could be checking for firmware or driver updates. There's no way to guess what really happened without details of any investigation coming to light.

Keep in mind that it was likely an activity driven by some agenda. Notably, these agencies start from a perspective of 'distrust china' and consider it their job to prevent that vendor selling into agencies. So they seek the flimsiest reason to hold up to impose a ban, which no one really objects too hard to since it's politically better to not source from China anyway. The agencies may not have detected a real threat, but they likely presume a real threat is a significant possibility that they have no way of practically detecting, so they run with this.

If there was an unambiguous backdoor seen, you bet your ass the agencies would be shouting from the rooftops. Instead, they are doing enough to keep it away from sensitive areas, but not so much to invite much scrutiny.

Finally, if China *really* wants backdoors, they don't need to actually have even slight ownership of the company. All the big companies gleefully hand over pretty much full control of their manufacturing and much of their hardware design, software, and firmware development to China anyway. The nationality of the CEO means approximately nothing in the scheme of state sponsored espionage.

United States

Obama Administration Says the World's Servers Are Ours 749

An anonymous reader points out this story about the U.S. Justice Department's claim that companies served with valid warrants for data must produce that data even if the data is not stored in the U.S. Global governments, the tech sector, and scholars are closely following a legal flap in which the US Justice Department claims that Microsoft must hand over e-mail stored in Dublin, Ireland. In essence, President Barack Obama's administration claims that any company with operations in the United States must comply with valid warrants for data, even if the content is stored overseas. It's a position Microsoft and companies like Apple say is wrong, arguing that the enforcement of US law stops at the border. A magistrate judge has already sided with the government's position, ruling in April that "the basic principle that an entity lawfully obligated to produce information must do so regardless of the location of that information." Microsoft appealed to a federal judge, and the case is set to be heard on July 31.

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