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Comment Re:Obama, not Bush 2, responsible for ISIS ... (Score 1) 270

You are mistaken.

You're in outer space. The same president that's bombed twice as many Mulsim countries as Bush, the same president that tripled forces in Afghanistan over Bush levels - and arranged them to stay there through two full terms of Jeb or Hillary - the same president that joked about murdering American kids right after murdering American kids with drones, the same president that demanded the right to throw American citizens in military prisons without trial...wanted to 'cut and run from Iraq' cuz he was too liberal?

Are you out of your fucking mind?

Comment Re:Make it more expensive ? (Score 1) 244

You have been modded as "Troll"

Because he's trolling.

(i don't dare to mention Apple because... my "/." karma is suffering righ now!

Whining about Apple on Slashdot is about as risky, or unpopular, as whining about socialists at a gathering of teabaggers.

but "making it more expensive" is a usual "(marketing) feature" for some brands

Nevermind that competitors charge comparable prices for comparable products.

Comment Re:Do most of the work? (Score 1) 443

OK, so you're lucky enough to be writing code from scratch, and you're not working with other people. And you're working on an algorithm in engine code, rather than applications. That cuts down how often you'd want to do it.

That's kind of similar to the students I mentioned that are the classic users of vi.

But in the commercial world, you're usually working on large, complex systems, with a lot of history, usually originally written by other people. And you know it'll be built on still further by other people in future.

IDEs help handle the complexity of big projects. Of which the refactor/renaming rather than search/replace is just one example.

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