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Comment Re:Virtual reality is coming (Score 1) 171

Because fascinating games with depth don't look like pretty like a Michael Bay movie. Go play Dwarf Fortress or Minecraft for a while and wonder why you look up at 5 am wondering where the night went. The same problems have hit Hollywood; When big money is involved you get people who are following the money without any passion for the craft.

Comment Re:KDE? (Score 1) 132

Will someone explain to me why I would choose "Cinnamon" or "MATE" or "Xfce" or "LXDE" etc etc etc?
One would be for an old underpowered laptop, the other for a reasonably modern desktop.

It's really off-putting to hear how great Mint is, then go to the site and the first thing you need to do is decide which environment you will choose with no explanations of what that choice will mean to you. Are there programs that will only work under one environment and not the others? Are we just talking about differences in the file browser and config/update system?

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