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Comment Re:KDE? (Score 1) 132

Will someone explain to me why I would choose "Cinnamon" or "MATE" or "Xfce" or "LXDE" etc etc etc?
One would be for an old underpowered laptop, the other for a reasonably modern desktop.

It's really off-putting to hear how great Mint is, then go to the site and the first thing you need to do is decide which environment you will choose with no explanations of what that choice will mean to you. Are there programs that will only work under one environment and not the others? Are we just talking about differences in the file browser and config/update system?

Comment Re:whine (Score 1) 226

> dev needs the loosest reins (while still keeping separation so that the loosened policies don't allow for a security breach to compromise other departments.)

Oh thank you, thank you, for using 'loose' instead of 'lose'. I think I cried a little.

Comment Re:Sad, and not black and white either (Score 1) 351

Yes, actually I did. I pointed out that he could get off the canoe right there and live in a hut and it wouldn't cost him a dime. His savings would most likely be enough to pay for whatever logistics he needed (plane tickets to visit home once a year, food, some clothes, etc). But he would be giving up the "normal" life he was used to. He thought about it for a moment and said he really wants to retire "in style" and not in a hut, and that he would have to "work his ass off" for a few more years to do that. At least he acknowledged what his priorities and trade-offs are.

Comment Re:Sad, and not black and white either (Score 1) 351

I was on vacation on a remote island in Fiji, taking a canoe ride with some other American tourists. A man in his 50's sighed and said 'I hope I can afford to live like this one day'. The irony was totally lost on him that the people who's life he was jealous of woke up in their huts, had a little food, then played soccer and fished all day without owning a single penny.

Comment Re:Alternative (Score 1) 914

What a ridiculous idea. What condition do you think the convict will be in after 30 years equivalent of solitary confinement in a sensory deprivation tank? They will be completely psychotic

Guard: "Here's your cell phone and wallet, you are free. go enjoy life"
Prisoner: drool...drool...drool... whimper...

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