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Comment Re:How would you know? (Score 1) 285

Well said. There are some really great developers out there that you'll likely never here about. Roland p on Atariage, for example, deserves a mention for his Ballblazer 2600 work. Really, a lot of the hobbyists there top-notch.

I'll bet you'll find quite a few well-above-average developers in communities like that.

Comment Re:HTML5 & JS should just crawl away and die (Score 1) 104

There are many people who are good at coding aside from you, and probably many who are better, or at the least, not a dumbass.

I'm sure there are.

which is based off a methodology from John Resig.

But, it's obvious that you can't identify them.

Resig falls squarely in to the "incompetent" category, by any measure.

Submission + - beta still sucks, still getting pushed ( 1

An anonymous reader writes: Guys.

Beta has become toxic. It is not better than what you had, the fads aren't that interesting, the changes are if anything shinily counterproductive, you've pushed it so incessantly that you've made it hated, and it's reflecting back to you. You're *still* doggedly flogging this dead horse. Whadayawant, keep on it until your readership will lap it up while mumbling "braaaains"?

There are things you could be doing to improve slashdot, like making it less dependent on javascript to function, like making it function well also when javascript is unavailable and without requiring logging in for punishment, and things like that. Oh, and people with basic grasp of English for editors would be nice too. But beta, beta is not those things.

Let. It. Go.

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