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Comment Re:More proof (Score 1) 667

It's opportunity to advance petty political nastiness under the banner of science. It's interesting that science is so frequently used this way, instead of being used as a method to advance knowledge.

Do scientists think using science this way is helping anyone?

Nothing is going to be done about climate change. But this is especially true if the climate change alarmism side wants to engage in petty political nastiness instead of legislative compromise.

Comment Municipal Broadband? (Score 1) 417

Honest question: Is your local city government efficient, responsible, technically savvy, and trustworthy enough to expect them to do a great job as your ISP? If so, where do you live?

Why is municipal broadband appealing? Is it only better versus Comcast, or is it actually good in some way? Are you expecting to get it for "free" -- a.k.a. paid for by your neighbors?

Where in the US do they have municipal broadband with a long track record of working well, with competitive pricing not subsidized by tax revenue?

Comment Re:Zero accountability (Score 1) 189

However, some of you (and it may not include you) seem to think that the government having less power is always better and is often the answer to problems.

Sometimes you can't solve problems. Less government power is the answer to not creating new problems.

When you have a non-government problem, you can often escape it or fix it for yourself or at least mitigate it somewhat. When it's the government causing problems, it's a lot harder to deal with.

Comment Zero accountability (Score 4, Insightful) 189

This is one reason why some of us want to stop giving the government more power. Because they can never be held accountable when they misuse that power and hurt people. No one in power is ever guilty of anything. Care and recklessness are rewarded equally.

It's easy to say you're for "openness" (and whatever other buzzwords) when you never have to actually live up to any sort of standards. Why should anyone listen or believe or trust? Apparently, we shouldn't.

Comment Improve over time (Score 1) 169

Two things about software-based instruction: it can improve over time and it can be widely distributed. Human-based instruction is limited in both those areas. Someday the software-based instruction will be really good. Human teachers can get better for a while, but they eventually retire -- losing all their instructional capability.

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