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Comment Re:"Fundamental Reform" (Score 1) 247

That something occurs locally, doesn't mean that it is efficient to govern it locally.

Just because something occurs, that doesn't mean it needs to be governed at all. For the most part, people can live their own lives without a government mommy watching and second guessing everything they do.

And are you really trying to claim our huge central government is "efficient"? It must be really, really efficient for all that efficiency to outweigh the corruption.

Good luck running an economy with people that have diplomas like 'Smartest kid in the world. Signed, mom' or getting trains to run on railways with different widths.

Economies aren't "run". Individuals make individual choices.

Standardization regularly happens without government edict. The government didn't write the standard for email, for example, but there's still a more-or-less universal standard. It was all done without threats, without police, without graft, without government hearings, without bailouts for the losing technologies, and without paying an email tax.

The Romans...

...died and their empire crumbled. Their centralized government didn't save them.

Also, you should appreciate what centralized government has already done for you personally instead of taking it for granted.

I do appreciate what they do. It's just not worth the cost. I appreciate a good hamburger. I don't want to pay $2000 for a good hamburger. I don't appreciate being policed and regulated and threatened and spied on and otherwise oppressed in return for the opportunity to get on a waiting list buy a good hamburger for $2000.

Comment Re:Higher paid? Why? (Score 1) 519

Because they are more experienced, duh!

How much more valuable is the 6th or 7th or 8th year of experience? If the students learn more, then teachers would be happy to be paid based of student test scores.

Would you hire an experienced surgeon to operate on you or one just out of school?

Teaching isn't surgery. If a surgeon has done a procedure 300 times, is it really a lot more valuable to have done it 600 times? I'm pretty sure most surgeons get paid at the same reimbursement rates for a procedure whether it's their 300th surgery or their 600th.

So why the question with experienced teachers?

Because teacher salaries are divorced from the value of their teaching.

Comment Re:"Fundamental Reform" (Score 1) 247

I said "drastically smaller". That's not the same thing as "without".

A drastically smaller government, for example, wouldn't include a Department of Housing and Urban Development. Housing is a personal, or at most, a local problem.

A drastically smaller government wouldn't include a Department of Education. Education is an individual or family issue. Teaching and learning are simple, harmless transfers of knowledge. They should not be governed or policed. Central government has no legitimate role in education.

Agriculture is local. Unless there's a pandemic, Health and Human Services are local. Transportation -- at least road and train transportation -- is local. Street crime is local. Central government is mostly not needed for these things.

Central government has legitimate roles: national defense, minting a currency, international diplomacy, etc. If central government stuck to doing things we really need the central government for, it would be drastically smaller, much less expensive, and there would be a lot fewer opportunities for corrupt officials and congressmen.

Comment Higher paid? Why? (Score 1) 519

Why should older teachers be (more than a little) higher paid? Is their productivity higher because they teach a larger number of students in a year? Do they teach the students who have the hardest time learning? Is "older" equivalent to more effective?

Do public schools exist to provide teacher paychecks? Or are they there for children to learn?

Comment Re:May Day???? (Score 1) 247

Believe it or not, many places in the world have gotten money out of politics...

North Korea and Cuba? Or were you thinking of other places? Please tell us where.

Perhaps this may be surprising to you, but it actually is possible. I can only hope that my other fellow Americans aren't as defeatist as you are.

Even if a few places have had good government for a few years, it's not normal. Good government has been extremely rare throughout history. It's not defeatist to understand and learn from history.

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