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Comment Re: News media at fault (Score 0) 286

Two word, actually. DEATH CULT. Same as anti-maskers everywhere, where Donald Trump is the new Jim Jones and the Republican Party, having drunk the purple Flavor-aid, are suffering the consequences.

What if you decided not to be such a terrible person? I think you might be happier. People around you would be happier too, experiencing less meanness and anger.

Comment Re:Enough with the FUD already (Score 1) 286

The funny thing about mask zealots is they seem to think it is magic. ... But a paper mask? Doubtful it does much, unless it is to stop a sneeze from propagating as far.

They help a little sometimes. Zealots are just being jerks. Because they are jerks and because their crowd keeps going along with it instead of telling them to stop being jerks.

Comment Re:To paraphrase Mark Twain... (Score -1, Troll) 286

The problem isn't people not believing what they read, it's believing the wrong things because they can't differentiate fact from fiction.

Like the Trump/Russia collusion story. They like fiction better. And people who've been entrusted to lead the public keep playing along, trying to manipulate others, pretending the fiction is real.

Comment Your fellow employees hate you (Score 2, Interesting) 188

When you're making asshole political comments at the office all the time. People around you wish you'd shut up with that crap and do your job. No one asked you what your half-informed opinion is on some random political topic.

The reaction to Coinbase is typical. Jerks who can't shut up and try to get along with people are outraged that Coinbase won't cater to jerks who can't shut up and get along with people.

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