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Comment Re:Awkward... (Score 2) 700

By socializing with adults, your child can learn how to socialize with adults. That will help your child prepare for the adult world.

You should also probably try to balance this with other activities where your child can learn to interact with children. Children can be really nasty to each other. But in voluntary activities (basically anything except school), your child can do what adults do when someone is nasty to them: escape and stop interacting with nasty people. Your child won't have the opportunity schoolchildren have, to be bullied every day with no escape and no recourse.

Comment Redistribution of your "privilege" (Score 2) 779

If you are good at something, your achievements will be labeled as a "privilege" and redistributed to others. I hope you like the society that most of you voted for.

Question: Does creating a new, powerful disincentive for (the wrong kind of) people to achieve help or hurt our chances to have a prosperous society in the future?

Comment Re:They already have (Score 1) 667

What do you think the "big picture" is? I think the "big picture" is modest warming that falls short of a crisis. In the "big picture", there aren't many effective levers to pull to solve the warming problem, and the cost of pulling them is higher than the benefit.

There's no "save the planet" or not. Because a slightly warmer planet is still a healthy planet. And we'd be better off focusing our resources on solving problems like disease and deprivation than on problems like a small amount of warming over a few hundred years as we advance technologically -- eventually to non-fossil fuel energy sources.

Comment Re:They already have (Score 1) 667

Historical temperatures are adjusted for comparison. This is well known. There are relatively few sites where the exact same thermometer, in the exact same structure, surrounded by the exact same surrounding structures, developments, and foliage has been in use for a hundred years or more. There are more in the US than in other countries. Many, many adjustments have to be made to the historical temperature readings to normalize them all with current readings and combine them into a global average representation. There are different methods for doing this that produce different results.

You should read up on the subject if you're interested in understanding it. If you just want to shoot down conspiracy straw men, then proceed. No knowledge or understanding of the subject is required.

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