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Submission + - A look inside the Omega Nebula

StartsWithABang writes: 4.6 billion years ago, a large molecular cloud collapsed in the Milky Way, giving rise to around a thousand or so new stars and star systems, one of which just happened to become our home. But those early days showcased a violent time for our Solar System, and wasn't so different from what's currently taking place in the Omega Nebula, just 5,500 light years away in our own galaxy. Take an in-depth look inside, and catch a glimpse of what our Solar System's environment was like back during its earliest days!

Submission + - Tiny Wireless Device Offers Tor Anonymity (

Lucas123 writes: The Anonabox router project, currently being funded through a Kickstarter campaign, has surpassed its original $7,000 crowdfunding goal by more than 10 times in just one day. The open source router device connects via Wi-Fi or an Ethernet cable making it harder for your IP address to be seen. While there have been other Tor-enabled routers in the past, they aren't small enough to fit in a shirt pocket like the Anonabox and they haven't offered data encryption on top of the routing network. The device, which is being pitched as a way for consumers to securely surf the web and share content (or allow businesses to do the same), is also being directed at journalists who may want to share stories in places where they might otherwise be censored.

Comment Re:PETA won't be happy until all animals are extin (Score 1) 367

They do NOT need to take care of 30,000 animals year-round. Most adoption centers place their animals as quickly as possible. They use their networks of contacts, TV and radio, the internet, the newspapers, to place animals.

The local SPCA takes in 14,000 animals a year, and places 90% of them. They're not the only shelter in the area either. Now when you consider that PETA takes in just over that nation-wide, there's a problem.

So, the facts say otherwise. PETA is there for the benefit of PETA, first, last, whatever.

Comment Re:Let's not forget... (Score 1) 10

Don't be jealous, APK. I'm sure someday you'll find a woman willing to spend a few minutes with you. She may not technically be alive, or human, but she'll be all yours.

Didn't you read the bulletin? Little boys are always attacking the girls they secretly like. Obviously APK thinks it gives him an aura of boyish charm.

But not to worry - his personality is sufficient to turn off anything with a pulse.

Submission + - Collaboration with Google Yields Tool to Address Thread Safety Analysis in C/C++ (

heidibrayer writes: With the rise of multi-core processors, concurrency has become increasingly common. The broader use of concurrency, however, has been accompanied by new challenges for programmers, who struggle to avoid race conditions and other concurrent memory access hazards when writing multi-threaded programs. The problem with concurrency is that many programmers have been trained to think sequentially, so when multiple threads execute concurrently, they struggle to visualize those threads executing in parallel. When two threads attempt to access the same unprotected region of memory concurrently (one reading, one writing) logical inconsistencies can arise in the program, which can yield security concerns that are hard to detect. The ongoing struggle with concurrent threads of execution has introduced a whole class of concurrency-related issues, from race conditions to deadlock. Developers need help writing concurrent code correctly. This post, the second in a series on concurrency analysis, introduces Clang Thread Safety Analysis, a tool that was developed as part of a collaboration between Google and and the Secure Coding Initiative in the SEI's CERT Division. Clang Thread Safety Analysis uses annotations to declare and enforce thread safety policies in C and C++ programs.

Comment Re:PETA won't be happy until all animals are extin (Score 1) 367

No. Taking the worst of the worst shelter practices is a bogus argument. Passing laws against animal cruelty (both in shelters, breeders, and owners), along with enforcement, is the proper way to fix the problem. Not "OMG look at how bad THEY are" when PETA is just as bad in it's own way.

Comment Re:PETA won't be happy until all animals are extin (Score 2) 367

Did you even READ the links on the Times story? How perfectly healthy animals are euthanized? How a government inspection found that 90% of all animals are euthanized within less than 24 hours? That's not even time enough to do an evaluation.

To PETA, "somehow unadoptable" translates into "Oh, we can't sell this mutt or this mixed-breed cat to a pet store for big bucks like we could with a pure-bred, so put it down."

Comment Re:For those who said "No need to panic" (Score 1) 421

Your "answers" just make my point.

We euthanized the dog because we don't know for sure. In such cases, it's NOT an over-abundance of caution.

We don't know for sure that fruit bats are the reservoir. "All research points to various species of fruit bats native to West Africa, which have been implicated in Marburg and Ebola outbreaks in the past" is not the same as "We know that fruit bats serve as the reservoir." So, again, we don't know.

Even the government has admitted that temperature screening is next to useless, wouldn't have caught Thomas Duncan (whereas passport screening would have), and has been roundly criticized as security theatre. And at least one airline (El Al) does passport screening, in response to bombers. When's the last time El Al had a hijacking? The first and last time was in 1968.

It's not what you know, it's what you "know" that ain't so, that will bite you in the rear. So, until we know for sure ...

As for who pays for the 23-day quarantine? Simple - you want to come here, you pay all the costs, same as any visitor, unless you're an aid worker sent to alleviate the problem.

Comment Re:Corrections (Score 1) 187

By now, everyone with a clue knows he was never a patent lawyer, just a blogger who tried to intermediate himself into paid gigs (which he succeeded in doing with Oracle and Microsoft) by promoting the impression that he had expertise that he clearly lacked.

It's funny, I leave for a few years, and when I come back EVERYTHING is still the same. Florian Mueller is still whoring himself out as some sort of "expert", Canonical is still coming up with "this product will be the one!!!" every so often, my personal troll still tracks me down to post junk, and Slashdot still can't handle smart quotes in pasted articles. Ahhh, it's good to be back :-)

So much for the web moving on "Internet Time."

Comment Re:PETA won't be happy until all animals are extin (Score 2) 367

Come on, putting down an animal just hours after you get it? Not using their network of supporters to say "here, we have these animals that need homes?"

Given the fact that $35 million is completely insufficient to humanely care for that many animals what would you suggest they do instead?

They took in just under 30,000 animals. $35 million pays for a LOT of pet food (and pet food manufacturers are big donors to shelters, so even that expense can be mitigated). And shelters use volunteer staff, which, last time I volunteered, didn't cost them a penny.

Fostering animals out to temporary homes usually costs just the food, while the animal waits for a placement - and a lot of times those foster homes end up keeping the animal rather than let it go back to the pound.

$35 million a year, to place less than two thousand animals annually? Really? That's a pure for-profit business. Disgusting.

Comment Re:PETA Won't be Happy (Score 2) 367

They remind me of a certain person I know who, rather than give away a pair of cats she could no longer keep, had them euthanized. Her logic was along the lines of: No one could love them, or give them a better home than me, so they're better off dead.


We were discussing the killing of his two children by cardiologist Guy Turcotte yesterday (found not criminally responsible, now under appeal). I was arguing with my sister, saying that you'd pretty much *have* to have something wrong in the head to kill your own kids - even if it doesn't rise to the level of insanity. She was saying, No, she could see how some people just get really pissed off and kill.

I guess if people can think this way about defenseless pets, it might be the same for their children. But it still seems royally messed up to me. If I were a juror on that case, I would want to hear the experts before making a decision, because that whole way of thinking just doesn't compute.

Comment Re:PETA won't be happy until all animals are extin (Score 1) 367

I still miss my newfie, my st. bernard, and my other newfie. (I stole the second newfie from a city pound when an animal rescue group got hold of me and told me it was going to be put down first thing in the morning, just walk in and take it, the person working there would look the other way provided I got there within the next 15 minutes - the other two were also from pounds). Cancer got the two newfs, and a wasting disease of the hind legs was the indirect cause of the infection that got the st. bernard.

I've got my mutt (who's now also getting old), and a couple of dogs from two neighbors (one who thinks he lives here, and one who wants to live here :-) So sorry for your loss, because I know what it's like.

Anyway, gotta go walk the dogs ...

Submission + - Keystone Be D-mned: Canada Finds Oil Route To Atlantic writes: Bloomberg reports that Canadians have come up with an all-Canadian route to get crude oil sands from Alberta to a refinery in Saint John, New Brunswick, operated by a reclusive Canadian billionaire family, that would give Canada’s oil-sands crude supertanker access to the same Louisiana and Texas refineries Keystone was meant to supply. The pipeline, built by Energy East, will cost $10.7 billion and could be up and running by 2018. Its 4,600-kilometer path, taking advantage of a vast length of existing and underused natural gas pipeline, would wend through six provinces and four time zones. "It would be Keystone on steroids, more than twice as long and carrying a third more crude," writes Bloomberg. "And if you’re a fed-up Canadian, like Prime Minister Stephen Harper, there’s a bonus: Obama can’t do a single thing about it." So confident is TransCanada Corp., the chief backer of both Keystone and Energy East, of success that Alex Pourbaix, the executive in charge, spoke of the cross-Canada line as virtually a done deal. “With one project,” Energy East will give Alberta’s oil sands not only an outlet to “eastern Canadian markets but to global markets,” says Pourbaix. “And we’ve done so at scale, with a 1.1 million barrel per day pipeline, which will go a long way to removing the specter of those big differentials for many years to come.”

The pipeline will also prove a blow to environmentalists who have made central to the anti-Keystone arguments the concept that if Keystone can be stopped, most of that polluting heavy crude will stay in the ground. With 168 billion proven barrels of oil, though, Canada’s oil sands represent the third-largest oil reserves in the world, and that oil is likely to find its way to shore one way or another. “It’s always been clear that denying it or slowing Keystone wasn’t going to stop the flow of Canadian oil,” says Michael Levi. What Energy East means for the Keystone XL pipeline remains to be seen. “Maybe this will be a wake up call to President Obama and U.S. policymakers to say ‘Hmmm we’re going to get shut out of not just the energy, but all those jobs that are going to go into building that pipeline. Now they are all going to go into Canada," says Aaron Task. “This is all about ‘You snooze, you lose.’”

Comment Re:Women on the pill have VD... (Score 1) 147

Women will do ANYTHING to 'get a man'. For most women, being single is the worst thing in the world. They will sleep with ANY scumbag, as long as they 'have a man'. Hence most women will sleep with jerks who can't keep it up with a condom on. Hence most women use the pill, rather than condoms, in spite of the fact that the pill offers no protection against VD whatsoever

Normally I would urge someone like you to use a condom to help prevent the spread of stupidity. However, with your personality, there's no worry about that.

As for the rest ... sheesh!

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