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Comment Re:Still pretty affordable (Score 4, Informative) 393

I added a second meter for charging my Tesla. Other than paying an electrician to do the wiring I just had to fill out some forms to get a permit, add a second address for PG&E and pay for a disconnect-reconnect from PG&E. I don't think I paid more than $100 for the permit and second address. I pay around $0.12/KWh on my second meter when I charge between 11pm and 6am on weekdays or any time on weekends. It was trivial to set my Tesla to start charging at 11:05pm at whatever current draw I want (up to 80 amps in my case). Most EVs and plug-in hybrids let you choose the charging times. Now I did end up paying $4500 for all of the electrical work I had done, but this involved replacing the main breaker panel on my house, installing a second one with the two meters and running a 100A circuit around 100 feet to my garage with a fair amount of thick conduit and an emergency shut-off in the garage. The Tesla charger was another $1200, which as far as car chargers go is not bad especially considering that it handles 80 amps.

Before getting two meters I was able to get a special time-of-use EV rate so the cost wasn't that bad.

I typically pay $40-60/month for charging my car and I average around 15,000 miles/year.

Comment What is really happening here? (Score 1) 981

We are in a War on Faith, because Faith justifies anything and ISIS takes it to extremes. But in the end they are just a bigger version of Christian-dominated school boards that mess with the teaching of Evolution, or Mormon sponsors of anti-gay-marriage measures, or my Hebrew school teacher, an adult who slapped me as a 12-year-old for some unremembered offense against his faith.

Comment Re:Anti-math and anti-science ... (Score 1) 981

Hm. The covenant of Noah is about two paragraphs before this part (King James Version) which is used for various justifications of slavery and discrimination against all sorts of people because they are said to bear the Curse of Ham. If folks wanted to use the Bible to justify anything ISIS says is justified by God's words in the Koran, they could easily do so.

18 And the sons of Noah, that went forth of the ark, were Shem, and Ham, and Japheth: and Ham is the father of Canaan.
19 These are the three sons of Noah: and of them was the whole earth overspread.
20 And Noah began to be an husbandman, and he planted a vineyard:
21 And he drank of the wine, and was drunken; and he was uncovered within his tent.
22 And Ham, the father of Canaan, saw the nakedness of his father, and told his two brethren without.
23 And Shem and Japheth took a garment, and laid it upon both their shoulders, and went backward, and covered the nakedness of their father; and their faces were backward, and they saw not their father's nakedness.
24 And Noah awoke from his wine, and knew what his younger son had done unto him.
25 And he said, Cursed be Canaan; a servant of servants shall he be unto his brethren.
26 And he said, Blessed be the Lord God of Shem; and Canaan shall be his servant.
27 God shall enlarge Japheth, and he shall dwell in the tents of Shem; and Canaan shall be his servant.

Comment Re:at least the nuclear weapons will be gone (Score 4, Funny) 494

I was presuming that the nukes in Scotland would be moved south, as the Scots have made it clear they don't want them.

Yes, but have you seen the recently leaked list of key military and economic assets to be targeted by Trident in the event of Scottish independence?:

(1) Alex Salmond's secret command bunker, 'The Salmon's Lair'.

(2) MIRV attack on all Speyside distilleries, centred on Glenlivet.

(3) The Edinburgh Woollen Mill Global Headquarters, Glasgow.

(4) The Gilded Balloon theatre, to neutralise the threat from Edinburgh Fringe elements, once and for all.

(5) Submarine detonation at Loch Ness, in an attempt to create a rampaging Godzilla-style radioactive monster.

Comment Re:The UK Cobol Climate Is Very Different (Score 1) 270

I consider my workplace a professional workplace. In my group we're working on the Linux kernel, networking code and in my case bootloader code for some massive embedded processors (right next to me I have two 48-core 64-bit processors running in tandem (total 96 cores) with 40Gbps ports hooked up. Nobody in my group, from the manager on down wears a suit. If I wore a suit to any of the engineering jobs I've had since college a lot of questions would be raised. A number of people commented on the fact that I did wear a suit when I just started out because I was the only one.

I don't think they care what we wear as long as we're wearing clothes.

Then again I live and work in Silicon Valley but it was the same way when I visited our other engineering facility in Massachusetts.

Comment Re:International Copyright (Score 1) 172

Its been claimed (I didn't actually check but from a reputable source) that it's cheaper for me to buy a built in Canada car by driving south 30 miles to the closest American airport, fly to Hawaii, purchase the manufactured in Canada car and ship it back including doing the paper work and paying the duty and taxes.
On the other hand yesterday the CBC radio show Q had an interview with whats his name from the daily show and they had to geopolitically block it to only stream from youtube and to Canada. Today Americans outraged as they'd never been geopolliically been blocked before and Canadians smirking with the "see how it feels attitude"

Comment Re:Tax? (Score 1) 324

Every point you make can be reversed.
Employees don't do anything with their wages except (eventually) spend it therefore growing the business of where ever they spend it and then it's taxed when the business makes money. If those employees take their money and open a business, then it's taxed.
The people don't benefit from services, education etc excepting when it's useful to the company. No one to hire you, well what good is the education? And when they get a job, the money means nothing until they spend it, allowing a business to profit and pay taxes.
The employees money shouldn't be taxed as all it does is sit there until it is spent which creates profits for a business and they can then pay a tax. If the employee uses the money to start a business, then it gets taxed based on how profitable the business is.
Really only businesses should pay taxes as they are the ones who benefit from people having money to spend.

Comment Re:Perspective (Score 1) 324

It's easy to not pay taxes, you do it the same way as not paying a business, don't use their services. You don't have an income, you don't pay taxes, simple and no one will violently throw you in jail for not using the services that allow an income.
Actually most countries will allow you to make a small amount and still not pay taxes.

Comment Re:Most taxes are legalized theft (Score 1) 324

If you look closely at the constitution you'll notice that while the navy was easy to fund, the army not so much and the air force not at all (how hard would it have been to pass a constitutional amendment making or at least clarifying the air force constitutional?) . They also added an amendment clarifying that people should own arms so they could be part of an effective militia. You founding fathers as most enlightened people of the time, understood well that keeping a standing army was an invitation to tyranny and sure enough the military industrial complex is one of the major pushers to tyranny today.
Besides do you really need to outspend the rest of the world for defence?

Comment Re:When the cat's absent, the mice rejoice (Score 1) 286

Repeat it yourself when you are the victim of prosecutorial misconduct, etc. That's what these laws are for. To prevent that. The only issue is that they don't punish the real offenders strongly enough. Generally, there are enough crimes committed that if there is sufficient evidence, they'll get the perpetrators for one or more of the other ones. If not, See the AC reply above and place your blame appropriately. Illegal activities by law enforcement and those on the side of the prosecution should never be rewarded.

Comment Re:When the cat's absent, the mice rejoice (Score 4, Insightful) 286

Sorry, that's the penalty for not following the law - the evidence gets thrown out and cannot be used, ever. This is the only thing that can prevent large scale abuse by law enforcement, as long as it is applied consistently. Lately, that latter assumption is being called into question quite frequently.

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