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Comment Re:Why? (Score 2) 36

Pointless to ask without knowing what compensation he's getting.

What the deal with silicon valley jobs used to be was, you'd get a big salary, but you'd work a lot.

This info is roughly ten years old, but - I've known Seattle-area Amazon coders and sysadmins. Their contracts made it clear that they were expected to put in as many extra hours as needed, and that those extra hours might be very frequent.

They were all paid extremely well, and figured (going in) they could put up with it for a few years. However most decided they'd had enough after about one year.

Comment Why all the hate? (Score 1) 188

"Florida is fighting back against the global elite's plan to force the world to eat meat grown in a petri dish or bugs to achieve their authoritarian goals," DeSantis said. "We will save our beef."

Come on, nobody with an above-room-temperature IQ takes this statement seriously. And we've already seen that DeSantis has zero appeal outside of Florida. So why not let them play their silly little games there? It's comedy gold!

Comment Re:hmmm...could be useful (Score 3, Insightful) 116

"I like to scroll back and see clusters of tabs from months ago -- it's like a trip down memory lane on whatever I was doing/learning about/thinking about,"

If only there was some built in tool, some kind of, say, 'things you've looked at' function...a journal or diary type thing.... to keep track of what web pages you visited.

Yeah, some sort of "historical list" or something... that would be very useful.

Comment "Power users" (Score 1) 116

In my experience these folks tend to be the biggest support headaches... primarily because they tend to assume they know a lot more about tech than is actually the case; and secondarily because they convince other users of the same.

They're a lot like "tech" bloggers, but (fortunately) with a smaller audience.

Comment Re:I suspect this was deliberate ... (Score 2) 246

Given that knowledge isn't passed along genetically, it's silly to assume that everyone in Utah is equally adept at securing databases. Doubly so because this was a government driven project and likely done on the cheap.

We've seen plenty of stupidly-unprotected databases before. You don't have to look any further than "incompetence" to find the reason.

Comment Obvious, but the headline is wrong (Score 1) 244

This technology accomplishes nothing if the baby has swallowed the battery. It only lets parents know if someone may have mouthed the battery.

Well, okay, if the baby swallows the battery it probably does change color... but unless the parents routinely use an endoscope on their kid, they aren't going to see it (and, if they do see it, they already have other incontrovertible evidence that their child swallowed a battery).

Comment Talking out of both sides of his mouth (Score 2) 319

"... [sudo] has a large possible attack surface"

Yes, as does systemd - as recent history has shown us.

"The tool is also a lot more fun to use than sudo. For example, by default, it will tint your terminal background in a reddish tone while you are operating with elevated privileges. That is supposed to act as a friendly reminder that you haven't given up the privileges yet, and marks the output of all commands that ran with privileges appropriately. It also inserts a red dot (unicode ftw) in the window title while you operate with privileges, and drops it afterwards."

Hmm... those "bonus features" sound like exactly the sort of thing that needlessly increases the attack surface of a piece of software.

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