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Comment Re:Heavens Forbid (Score -1, Troll) 256

"Heavens forbid that the best candidates are picked! Oh the horror!"

Evidently you aren't particularly bright. Only 1 women was hired for 1,231 men. That is indisputable Prima Facia evidence that picking the best candidate is exactly what couldn't possibly have happened, your absurd implication that all women are incompetent not withstanding..

Comment Re:Obvious (Score 1) 256

"is something else picking them off earlier in the production chain such that Facebook's hiring is simply an accurate representation of the candidates it has to work with?'"

You are kidding right? Do you really question if it might be true that only 1 in 1,231 candidates would be qualified women? Seriously?

Comment There rich buy very little of that (Score 1) 104

you're thinking about the upper middle class, not the rich. The 1%. They mostly horde their wealth. They don't have a lot of options. No human being could possibly spend the kinds of wealthy they've claimed. It's not even money any more, it's raw power. The ability to decide who lives and who dies. Guys like you and me can't even begin to understand what that's like. It's like trying to understand what a billion is. You can write the digits down on paper but you don't really understand what they mean the way you do for the number 10...

Comment Re: Hate to be that guy, but Linux (Score 1) 517

" If I attempt to migrate to 'window manager x', not only do I need to spend my own time doing it but I will be almost assured of running into issues here and there that may not be insurmountable but will take even more of my valuable time.

I'm confused. What makes your system so special? I mean every application I know runs fine with KDE, Gnome, LXDE, fvwm2, Fluxbox, Blackbox, etc. What makes yours so WM-Centric?

Comment Re: Hate to be that guy, but Linux (Score 1) 517

"The linux laptop I use comes pre-built and unfortunately I don't have the flexibility to modify it in that way. I'm stuck with Gnome and whatever scheduler the OS comes with."

What distribution could you possibly be using that doesn't allow you the flexibility to modify it? Or do you not have root access?

" If there are schedulers that are much better, I would question why the particular distro I am using wouldn't just pick the one that works better."

That statement makes it seem pretty evident that you have but a vague understanding of Linux distributions, esp. wrt the one you are using.

Comment Property taxes are highly regressive (Score 1) 104

e.g. they disproportionately harm the working poor. I know, it's counter intuitive because when we think poor we think no property. That's why I said the _working_ poor. In America if you're just scraping by virtually all of your wealth is tied up in property, specifically your primary domicile (aka your house). About 20-30% of your income goes to this one investment. It's generally not worth very much, and at times it even loses value. But it's the only investment you can afford.

We fund services with property taxes because a) The rich get out of paying them because most of their wealth is tied up with the stock market and other forms of property with much lower taxes (or many, many more loopholes) and b) for the few taxes the rich pay it's easy for them to keep that money in their neighborhoods and ensure that it's not spent on the lower castes. This is why we fund our schools with property taxes while more decent folks (the Netherlands IIRC) mandate equal funding for all schools...

Comment Too simple (Score 1) 1083

The state has plenty of reason to be involved. There's tonnes of property rights, power of attorney rights, responsibilities in regards to children, etc. It's almost childishly simplistic to say the State has no business there. You might as well endorse anarchy and call it a day.

Comment Not me (Score 2) 152

I wouldn't be caught dead sharing my wi-fi. There are companies that try to make a living threatening to sue you if they see downloads coming from your IP. Even if you're innocent it costs more to litigate than to just pay, but you're still out $5k...

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