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Comment Re: Is this the missing "dark matter"? (Score 1) 85

". You build a theory by standing on the shoulders of others and learning."
Yes. But if you don't even stand on the shoulders of the giants in a field, then you should probably shut the fuck up.

"Learning is the asking of questions."
Yes, but it isn't throwing out ideas so off base they aren't even wrong, and then telling people to show you why they can't be when the idea being stated makes no sense at all. AC who posted that question clearly doesn't know the first thing about dark matter. Frankly, the poster should have the decency to do some preliminary understanding of the problem before spouting off nonsense and then getting defensive about it.

Comment Re:Backward-thinking by the DMV (Score 1) 506

I don't necessarily disagree about the time frame, but I'm not sure why you're concerned about the price. The computers and sensors they're talking about putting in are fairly cheap. The software cost a lot of money to develop, but it would be amortized over a lot of people.

I don't think they'd have to go the luxury-car route, the way Tesla has. If anything, I'd expect them to want to sell it under cost, since there's a lot more cool stuff they can do once they can start treating computer-controlled cars as the default. The switchover period will be the least safe.

Comment Re:Not all the blocks (Score 1) 202

Well, it passed the KISS test, I guess that settles it. Lets totally forget other methods that pass the KISS test, and we will also forget the myriad of other thing that where done more difficult because of social reason and they didn't have the advantage of hind site.

They still need to move them after they were made.

Comment Re:Unintended Consequences (Score 1) 233

"The thief will unfairly target older phone model owners."
what the? dude, the thief is being unfair when he decided to steal a phone. By nature it's unfair. I highly doubt a phone thief will be an economist trying to equally balance the loss across society.

Setting aside all the incorrect assumptions you've stuffed into there, at worse case it would only be a few years, then phone swill be practically useless to steal.

Comment Re:Never gonna work ... (Score 1) 506

" that would confuse the hell out of the computer."
no it wouldn't. The computer isn't running the computations to calculate if two parallel line eventual cross(they can, btw*). It checks it's mapping software and then tells you their isn't a match.

*IF they are infinitely long in 3 or 4th dimensional space.

Comment Re:Never gonna work ... (Score 1) 506

You do know some insurance companies are already have ads talking about automated vehicles, right?
Liability has been dealt with., It is not an issue.
A) Fails due to improper maintenance? Owner fault.
B) Drive intentional tries to do something stupid? drivers fault
C) Defect? manufactures fault
D) Any of those things done be another vehicles, well that's for their insurance to deal with.

"I can make up plenty of wacky scenarios which may or may not ever happen, and it probably wouldn't be an exhaustive list of things which could happen "
as I can with current vehicles.

Comment Re:No Steering Wheel In Time (Score 1) 506

last year? 10.8 million reported accidents.

" Put another way, I'm a 99.95% safe driver."
No, you are not. No one is. When you, and I, and everyone else drives, there will be long periods where you aren't paying attention. The fact that no accident occurs is a matter of rote and luck.

Also, 99.95% is COMPLETELY meaningless.
"days driven vs. accidents, though,"
Yes, using a stupid useless metric, you appear safe.

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