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Comment Re:And another on the ban pile (Score 1) 289

manufacturers continue to trash their customer base by doing this. It has to be profitable, right? Which means that it's worth the risk, which means that some bean counter figured that the potential loss is outweighed by the gain.

It should not surprise anyone seeing how many times over now an auto maker has put profits over its consumer's safety.

Comment Re:Confusion? Really? (Score 2) 207

They did work with her. They have agreed to let her keep the domain. She simply can't profit from it so the ads have to go. She posted on the site she is looking for a new domain to transition to over time since she does need the revenue the ads bring to keep the site viable. It sucks but at least they are working with her and maybe they will realize the benefit she is to them and help her out.

Comment Voice of reason (Score 1) 466

REXX is what you want. I could make arguments why but this article does a decent job. I'll get lambasted for recommending such a dinosaur for recommendations to a modern language but if the tool works who cares how old it is? In fact the latest version of the Regina interpreter for REXX was released just last week. If nothing else read up on some of the ways REXX has been used to "GLUE" other systems/ programming languages together. It should be just what you need to tackle those tricky situations that nobody around you will care about but make your day a living nightmare.

Comment Re:This will hugely backfire... (Score 1) 422

Your parents had to learn quite a bit of information and pledge their allegiance to the US to achieve US citizenship. It was not easy or trivial. It goes a long way to prove they want to be here AND are willing to continue to make America a great place to be. Illegal immigrants have chosen to take the "easy" route and are by their very actions expressed their lack of respect for our country. If the US continues to let illegal immigrants unfettered access this country will become the place those people came from and the land of opportunity will cease to exist. Your anecdote of stupid people bashing immigrants isn't the same as those who oppose illegal immigration and those people might very well be lame but you allude to the fact you don't appreciate being lumped in with illegal immigrants but then lump everyone who opposes illegal immigration in with stupid bigots...Nice double standard you have there.

Comment Re:This will hugely backfire... (Score 2) 422

Republicans/conservatives aren't against immigration...they're against illegal immigration and so are most legal immigrants. When politicians mention immigration reform what they are referring to is changing the rules so that if you make it to US soil without getting tagged out you get citizenship. Talk to an immigrant who followed the rules, studied, and achieved citizenship legally about those who try to cross into the country illegally and watch the righteous indignation explode from them. There is a process in place for immigration that works. It is simply overloaded because it is underfunded but you never hear any politician talk about diverting resources to the existing system.

Comment Re:Politics (Score 1) 139

This is why we have shows that stir up a lot of drama

And it's why shows like Survivor and Big Brother have Psychiatrists and Psychologists screen each candidate not for the best but the most diametrically opposed contestants. That way you get drama all the time since you always have a few people who rub each other the wrong way.

Comment Re:Democrats voted (Score 1) 932

A primary is an election to determine who gets to wear the party label in the actual election. In this case more than 1 Republican wanted to run for the office in November so to decide which one got to say I am the official Republican candidate they have a primary election in the spring where only registered Republicans are supposed to vote. IIANM the state in question doesn't require proof of party affiliation to vote so in reality it could have been anyone voting. Now the winner of the primary gets to run as a Republican and the loser must either not run or choose a different party or run as an independent candidate. The loser seldom runs as they understand it weakens their chances and that of the party by splitting the vote between candidates and gives the opposing party a better chance to defeat them. And in this case the guy that lost has even stepped down from his position as House Majority leader months ahead of the end of his term.

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