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Comment Re:Not nerdy enough (Score 5, Interesting) 133

This shouldn't have been let out of the firehose. WTF is nerdy about this?

You're joking. Liquid mercury? Come on, show of hands: Who among us has not at some point in our lives broken open a thermometer in order to play with the mercury inside? That's a nerd rite of passage.

Hell, I'm old enough to remember when they made little maze puzzles with a blob of mercury inside that you'd try to get from one corner to the other. Those were the days before parents raised kids like veal. We had pocket knives, for chrissake. Can you imagine millennial parents giving their precious offspring pocket knives? I had my own .22 rifle by the time I was 10. All the liquid mercury I handled in my life, it's no wonder I'm half an imbecile.

Comment He ain't pretty no more (Score 1) 104

Whenever I hear of a story like this, I am reminded of the scene in Martin Scorsese's great movie, Raging Bull, in which Jake LaMotta, played by Robert DiNiro, speaks of an upcoming opponent to an associate:

"I'll put yous both in the ring and give yous both a fuckin' beatin', then yous can both fuck each other!"

Haven't we lost enough to the stupidity of our intellectual property laws? Could it be time to revisit whether or not they're actually doing what they were meant to do?

Comment Re:Done in movies... (Score 1) 225

God (Via his assistant) unleashes all manner of misery and suffering upon Job, killing his family, ruining him financially and inflicting him with horrible diseases entirely to show that Job, as a loyal Jew, will remain obedient and loyal no matter what circumstances throw at him - and sure enough, at the end, God restores his health and wealth. Though not the dead family.

Not only that, but he did it basically on a dare.

God: "Job will do anything for me, no matter what"
Satan: "no way"
God: "yes way"
Satan: "prove it or GTFO"
God: "watch this..."

Comment Re:It's good to be the charity (Score 1) 34

in 2013, the selected charity siphoned (heh) off about $10M from a $35M cash flow for "operations", of which 70% went for the salaries of 67 people. That's about $100K per person...not bad for"nonprofit."

Where did you get the idea that "nonprofit" means, "we don't pay our employees"? Or, "we pay our employees shit"?

It's as dumb as thinking "for-profit" means, "we pay all of our employees well".

Harvard University is a non-profit, and last I checked, they're paying their professors pretty well. Rush Presbyterian hospital is a non-profit, but the head of surgery probably makes more than minimum wage.

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