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Comment Re:Startup management subsystem (Score 2) 416

Key features like dependency management, whether a service terminated with an error condition, and what to do when a service terminates are things that you CAN NOT DO if all you have is an init script.

Of course you can. You know the PID of the init script, and you know PPIDs. What prevents you from doing that? Even a shell script could do it.

Comment Re:fuber (Score 4, Interesting) 54

The driver involved in the recent uber rape incident in India had earlier been booked for rape and uber had no clue about this .

The problem is doing something about it. If you search for information on this stuff you could easily get the impression that Uber is the root of all rape in India, but that's a lot of complete horseshit. The truth is that some states still have incomplete and/or half-assed records on taxi drivers, and no Indian state really gave a shit about criminal background checks until the international community began to shine a light on rape in India after a young woman was raped to death on a moving bus, and the locals finally reacted.

The truth is that most of the world is inordinately kind to rapists, this is only really changing now, and Uber is no more or less complicit than the rest of India. There's literally no framework in place which would make it possible for them to do background checks on drivers in India. The ones used for the licensed taxis are bullshit, when they even exist.

TL;DR: India is rapey, it's not just Uber.

Comment Re:Niggers (Score 4, Insightful) 224

The perpetrators of this vandalism probably were bored, undereducated, underachieving young WHITE male(s)

You have any facts to back that up or is this just speculation?

Blacks are more commonly convicted when tried, and there are still more whites than blacks in philly, so it's probably still more likely. Also, consider that whites may have felt more likely to get away with such a crime.

Comment Re:It was bound to happen. (Score 1) 224

The money supply is finite, otherwise it would have to be infinite, which it clearly isn't.

The money supply is effectively infinite; long before you run out of ability to print it, the system crashes and it becomes worthless. The supply of wealth is finite, because all wealth is derived from the land.

Comment Re:interesting experiment (Score 3, Insightful) 224

Instead, they damaged it and stole part of it.

You can't steal what is given away, and the law says that if you leave stuff lying around on purpose, that you're in a grey area. Specifically, by leaving it on the side of the road without any sort of permit, you're littering. Not only are you giving up your rights to whatever you left there, but you can be fined for discarding of waste improperly.

Now, I agree that it's douchey to damage the thing and take part of it, but I don't agree that it's vandalism or theft. Some social experiments fail. Or, alternately, it's a success in another way; it's taught us something about the world.

Comment Re:Obvious deflection. (Score 1) 262

As to your suggestion that I'm a traitor or... my god... French? How dare you...

Because how is "law is what is enforced" any different from "I, for one, welcome our new whatever overlords"?

I think I might sniffle into my chocolate milk now.

Is that some kind of Parisian sex maneuver?

Anyhoo, you don't like landmines...

I don't care about landmines one way or another, I take issues with your pre-emptive surrender to any and all usurpers.

Comment Re: Piss off systemd (Score 5, Insightful) 416

Ah, but with every single major distro adopting it, you better quit crying and get used to it, buddy!

They changed to systemd, they can change away just as well. Oh sure, the systemd cancer has spread to many daemons, but it can be excised from them as well. (Ironically, the daemons need exorcism...)

Comment Re:Ah, Berlin (Score 3, Informative) 416

A binary file avoids the need to have a bloated text parsing engine.

It doesn't do that, because all the data is interpreted by humans as text, and has to be presented to them as such. It also has to be understood as text, so if the journal processing tools do any of the things that systemd proponents claim they do, they will need a "bloated" text parsing engine.

Comment Re:Startup management subsystem (Score 1) 416

It does seem a bit much, but the systemd transition is a slow one. Many packages are still using init.d startup scripts, which means we can't take advantage of systemd's features with them.

You should be able to take advantage of all of systemd's features whether the daemon is designed to be run from an init script or not, and even whether it is run from an init script or not. If not, there is either something deeply wrong with you (incompetence) or deeply wrong with systemd (poor design.)

Comment Re:Why Fight It? (Score 1) 133

If you're going to lie to try to convince me of something, give me a little credit and make it a plausible lie.

They aren't trying to convince you, they're trying to confirm their beliefs. They're making a big show about believing absurd propositions because they think - rightly, in all likelihood - that they'll be rejected by their peer group if they deviate from its dogma, and also because they get ecstasy - feelings of transcendence - when fighting their chosen enemies. That's the downside of secularization: people transferred their religious feelings into nations, ideologies and political parties, which thus gained the power religion once had, thus explaining 20th century.

In other words, Religious Right is exactly what it says in the name. Bengie was just doing their religious "y'all sinners gonna burn in Hell" trolling duties, and simply being lazy about it.

Comment Re: Really? (Score 1) 528

Note that the problem with taking things out when shooting straight up is that human's are really pretty crappy at judging distance directly overhead. Which makes judging the lead you give the target pretty much guesswork...

That's why you don't lead the target. Instead, you sweep the barrel. Get the bead moving with the target and pull the trigger. Then you don't have to guess. Humans are pretty crappy at gauging distance in general. We use tricks to compensate.

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