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Comment Re:Over 18 (Score 1) 632

Nothing you say says that Mr Saverin has gotten away from his US tax liability. Only by renouncing citizenship can one end the tax liability, and even that continues for some years (10 I think) after the renouncement.

He did renounce it. And he renounced it before the IPO. So his liability is for what he owed before he renounced it, which is ... not the $1.1B.

Comment Re:It's crap (Score 1) 1633

Just look to Libya if you want to see what happens when a poorly armed populace rises up against an oppressive military regime. The key though is numbers.

No, the key is being able to smuggle in the right equipment (like rocket launchers, machine guns and the like) when you need to. Handguns don't do squat. The libyan rebels won because (a) air support and (b) their cause was relatively popular and (c) they had access to smuggled/appropriated weapons.

If you are fighting the government using weapons then it seems blindingly obvious that the governments rules over who can own what weapon is not really a consideration. The whole idea is nonsense.

Comment Re:It's crap (Score 1) 1633

Seems quite simple. Let's say a militia decides to attack the government. Some people come down on their side, some on the side of the government. Acts of terror, shooting at the military and other violent acts will tend to sway people away from favouring the militia. Their success depends on getting enough public support. Shooting someones kid (who happens to be in the marines) is a surefire way to have them turn against you. Military personnel, public servants, even members of the government are just as american as you are - and they have more friends and allies. Sort your problems out peaceably or you will not sort them at all.

Comment Re:It's crap (Score 1) 1633

ou don't even have to win the battles to win the war, or beat your enemy to defeat him. You just have to take away his will.

You make the assumption that your will is stronger than that of the government and the people who support it. If militias are the magical bullet you claim, why hasn't the militia prevented the current tyranny. And how is tyrannical rule by militia better than oligarchy?

Comment Re:Militia, then vs now (Score 1) 1633

If I have to defend myself, I'd rather defend myself from a guy who is coming at me with fists then a guy pointing a gun at me. Saying "I'd prefer to have a gun in a fight" is actually saying "I'd prefer a gunfight to a fistfight". Fists hurt, but I'd rather lose a fistfight than win a gunfight, if this means that someone's son is dead. Who needs that on their conscience?

Speaking as an Australian, I never feel afraid of being gunned down in the street, or being accidently shot in a robbery, or having to shoot someone in self defence. These sorts of things are so rare here we don't even think about them.

The difference is like this - in the US, if you are woken be the sounds of someone in your house, you have to assume they are armed. After all, if homeowners arm themselves, then robbers have to arm themselves as well.This leaves you with the choice of cowering and hoping not to get shot, or getting out your gun and preparing yourself to live with the consequences of killing someone.

In Australia we tend to turn on the light, and the robbers run away. They generally aren't packing - who needs the grief of being caught with a gun? They don't feel compelled to kill you - you aren't a threat to them. They make free to leave, and that's it.

Bit more civilised, no?

Comment I think there's a more important question... (Score 1) 320

How many homeless volunteers took off with the camera and sold it to buy booze?

I think there's a more important question... how many mountain lions, gazelles, and other animals took off with the Harmless Radio Collars(tm) that Marlon Perkins had Jim Fowler attach to them while filming Mutual of Omaha's "Wild Kingdom"?

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