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Comment Re:But aren't corporations people now? (Score 1) 79


There are fundy christians and muslims who have no problem with same-sex marriage, just as there are catholics who use birth control.

I disagree with the idea, but understand that law is a means by which we manage disagreements.
I guess my incapacity to subscribe to a concept I consider false marks me a "bigot", and justifies infinite H8 for the fustakrakich in the crowd.
Still, somehow, I'm the "persecutor", I guess.

Comment Re:But aren't corporations people now? (Score 1) 79

It's more like when you know somebody dying to die by a needle and run out of energy trying to talk them out of their nihilism.
The courts have shown their corruption, overturning voters across the country. It is left for me to raise my sons with a proper understanding, irrespective (and disrespective) of what some liars say.

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