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Comment Re:Any materialized predictions? (Re:Sudden?) (Score 1) 268

You know, reading through that stuff, I see that models are doing pretty well. There is a discussion of the slowdown of observed warming, including speculation on where the extra energy could be. Overall, it looks like a good scientific discussion, with confidence levels and admissions of anomalies, and it comes out concluding that models have improved since 1990.

Comment Re:Thanks to reader sleepypsycho for the poll idea (Score 1) 169

I am not sure why but it seems that I get a pack of mod points every time I post. That is what it seems like though I seldom post anything as of late. Basically if I come here today, as I have, in a posting mood and add some content then I end up with mod points even if I do not have my comments moderated. I am not sure how that works or why it works that way. The only thing I can think of is that the system notes my lack of posting as of late and thus it awards points, as an incentive perhaps, just for having posted? I really haven't a clue as to the actual methods but it is odd to get mod points without having been modded up. It has been like this for at least the last year if I recall correctly. As I stated, I don't have a clue how they are awarded but that has been my observation. I have posted a few comments today (instead of just reading the comments section) and will likely have mod points by this evening if the past is indicative of the future.

Impertinent Content: The reason I don't post much is that I have not seen anyone change their mind due to a forum/comments section and people do not thank one another when they are learning something because some learned person decided to take the time to submit a quality post. It is mostly people, from what I have witnessed, throwing around their beliefs and not bothering to listen or learn about the opposing views. They seem happiest when there is an echo chamber and when they are in the majority. Thus it seems to be a waste of time to post but it does make for interesting, sometimes repetitive, reading so I do read a lot of the comments and resist the urge to reply.

Comment Re:Thanks to reader sleepypsycho for the poll idea (Score 1) 169

Checking legitimate sources indicates that I can buy low quality versions of his show for a couple of dollars and high quality versions of some of those (some require membership to the site) for four bucks each. I have no issues with paying for the content and would love to support him by purchasing the content so I think I will go blow some money on the show and download them so I can listen to them while I travel. Thanks again for making me think about him and being the catalyst (even if that wasn't your intention) that motivated me to search. I'll even join his site so that I can get the high quality copies of some of the restricted shows. 'Tis worth it to me so I won't bother seeking other, perhaps illegal, sources though I would not be surprised to find him on various torrent sites.

Comment Re:Sudden? (Score 1) 268

Hey, you hire some of the unemployed people to go around throwing rocks at windows and the rest to fix the broken windows. Everybody's got a job, they can afford their drugs and alcohol, and the prostitutes can charge more. Everybody wins! Or maybe we shouldn't set people up permanently with makework, when what they're doing isn't useful any more.

Anybody who would draw up a detailed plan for everything you say would be an idiot, since most of that is better done by the market. Government can help out the structurally unemployed with their problems, and everything else works reasonably efficiently.

Comment Re:Thanks to reader sleepypsycho for the poll idea (Score 1) 169

I miss the Doctor. His syndicated show is no longer aired by any stations that I receive to the best of my knowledge and I have listened for him on channels that were more likely to be the sort to carry him. I have not investigated online solutions. I probably should... I think I will so thanks for the unintended mental prodding though I would not be surprised if he didn't produce his show any longer. I shall check and see what the mighty Google leads me to.

Comment Re:Easier to learn != easier to use (Score 1) 382

Operator overloading is very useful, when done properly. It can make things much easier to read and write. It's really easy to abuse, and then it can make things unreadable. In general, it takes a lot more knowledge and experience to use C++ safely than to use Java safely, but it's possible to express things better. (C++ has become much easier to use properly with C++11 and C++14 features, also.) One of Stroustrup's design principles was to keep features on the basis of how they could be used, not how they could be abused.

I really, really can't get excited about automatic getters and setters. Getters and setters are bad for encapsulation and promote unhealthy dependence on internals. I have no problems about writing them when I need them. (I do like the C# feature that allows me to have a virtual variable that has programming logic behind it.)

Comment Re:Plant? (Score 1) 382

There isn't much that Java is "very good at", but overall it is a good language for some purposes. It is a decent procedural language slanted towards O-O programming (nominally it is an O-O language, but it's easy to use as a procedural language). It's something of a B&D language, so mediocre programmers are unlikely to mess things up too much. It has too much C syntax (including the stupid switch statement), so it looked familiar. It had a lot of advantages in the 90s, being early to implement garbage collection and to provide a very large standard library. It got a leg up with Java applets on the web (although that use is pretty well dead, it helped Java get popular).

It's not a great tool for expert programmers, but it's adequate and fairly safe for mediocre programmers. In general, it's a good business-oriented language.

Comment Re:Filibuster? (Score 1) 385

The US Federal government is set up to require a broad agreement to make laws, either a majority of both houses and presidential approval, or two-thirds of both houses. The filibuster is a mechanism for a single Senator to impede the progress of a bill, provided he or she is willing to keep standing and talking for a very long time. This gives Senators a chance to express extreme opposition to a bill, as long as they're willing to do the work.

Comment Re:why the quotes (Score 1) 385

The compensation program has a couple of purposes. First, pharma companies make very little on vaccines, so any legal trouble would likely drive them out of the business, and we'd have no vaccines. Second, in the rare case that somebody has a problem with a vaccine, it is possible to compensate them without going through the ordeal and delay of a lawsuit. Since any medical procedure has dangers, the government should be ready to help out people who were hurt by a mandatory procedure.

Comment Re:Sadly not much (Score 1) 385

Sure, the people distrust the media. That doesn't really help.

Given one unreliable source for facts, and nothing conflicting, people drift into believing the unreliable source even while they note its unreliability. Read some ancient history if you like; the field is rife with accounts of events that have no conflicting accounts extant. Check on how many people repeat the story about the 1.7 million strong Persian army invading Greece because, although Herodotus was obviously wrong, there is no other figure from ancient sources.

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