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Comment meh (Score 0) 54

A) I didnt know router hacking was still a thing
B) you can get a wrt compatible linksys any day of the week at goodwill for 4.99$ if you really want to dick with it
C) there's a thousand ways to make a custom router with already available and cheaper hardware from old pc's to the invasion of the crappy ARM sbc's (pi, beagle bone black etc)

Comment and yet... (Score 1) 225

every freaking year they try to raise the wheel tax in my county (which goes to schools) cause the teachers cant buy fucking paper towels and tissues

meanwhile every tween is totally ignoring what is going on in class with their state issued internet gadgets


Comment Re:Works Fine For Me (Score 1) 928

same here, I fly frequently enough but not enough to really bother with the whole flyer rewards nonsense and even when changing my flight checking in when they say to always gets me an A or B pass

not that it does a fat lot of good cause once they get to the end the only seats left are the middle seats and the last passengers are the most obnoxious ones anyway

Comment Re:Love computers but where is the strategy? (Score 1) 285

computers in school are the same thing as they always have been, a showpiece, not to be touched, sitting there rotting, mostly unused. So bring in the tablets every kid gets to interact with a magical computer ... which is so simplified at this point someone who has never seen a computer could operate it, and the result, they use the shit out of them, but not for school.

its youtube,facebook,twitter, snapchat, video chatting, and porn, everything but learing, clap clap, not only have you made them stupider, but more entitled to neglect responsibility as well.

Comment Re:10.10 per hour (Score 1) 778

at what point do we feel bad for these people, if your working two minimum wage jobs to support a family then they are obviously a fuckup to begin with and should not be rewarded for it, if they are rewarded for it what it the incentive to improve themselves or position in life, even if that improvement is going from burger flipper to night manager?

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