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Comment its not the flowerpots (Score 0) 195

its the fact that a hangnail can dramatically change the course of history in a FF game, and yet everything else is flat out horseshit that does nothing

you got teenagers flying off 50 story drops like it was nothing, one hitting giant robots with their bare fists, a crappy JPOP song with 5 min worth of inspiration in the biggest shithole imaginable saves the world, but yet flowerpots is the straw that broke the camels back

yea, no wonder you have produced nothing but super expensive fail, you are retarded, thats why

Comment well the way I see it (Score 1) 379

Just a few years ago there were endless stories about the 50 year old programmers, and now its starting up with the 40 year old programmers, soon it will be the 30's then the 20's then we wont have to worry about some douche that never kept up to date wondering where his next pascal for the next cube job will come from

Comment Re:Same problem as all VR headsets ... (Score 1) 112

what counterweight, the current incarnation has a open back, seems like the whole idea of a counterweight falls flat when there is no counterside to the weight, and none ever made or currently being presented have a counterweight.

sorry if I am pointing out the obvious, but I am not the one designing and trying to sell the things

Comment Re:Permenant Beta (Score 1) 295

whatever it is it fucked up printing instructions two 3 different addresses

and why would I use google maps to find my room in the hotel, if i was already at the hotel? I needed instructions from the car rental to the hotel, it failed to give me that instead jumbling my searches together into one mass of retarded, the like of which I have never seen before, and hope to never see again, but here you are...

Comment Re:Permenant Beta (Score 0) 295

theres a new maps, and it seems nice, but I had an issue with it, seems its retarded.

I had to go to Detroit for biz (yay) this week so printing out driving directions around town I go fetch them off the printer and wow, right addresses, but directions and maps to the previous location. I only needed directions from the airport to the hotel, from the hotel to the lab, and from the lab to the hotel and it managed to fuck every single one of them up by mixing them up, but yet printed the correct addresses on the header.

guess I was going too fast for its slick new bullcrap 100% java interface.

Comment Years ago... (Score 1) 166

"Years ago, I would've needed a giant engineering company and several million dollars in development research and it still would've taken two years or more,"

horseshit, its batteries in a box with a motor, everything that was made on that 3d printer could have been fabricated with hand tools and some metal flashing found at the hardware store, even with paint and the trip there and back, still would have taken less time to make.

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