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Submission + - Magnetic stimulation boosts memory in people (sciencemag.org)

sciencehabit writes: Our memories are annoyingly glitchy. Names, dates, birthdays, and the locations of car keys fall through the cracks, losses that accelerate at an alarming pace with age and in neurodegenerative diseases. Now, by applying electromagnetic pulses through the skull to carefully targeted brain regions, researchers have found a way to boost memory performance in healthy people. The new study sheds light on the neural networks that support memories and may lead to therapies for people with memory deficits, researchers say.

Submission + - Software error caused Soyuz/Galileo failure 3

schwit1 writes: A report today in Russia says that the investigation into the Soyuz launch failure last week that while the Russian Fregat upper stage fired correctly in attempting to place the two Galileo GPS satellites into orbit, its software was programmed for the wrong orbit.

Submission + - Man Loses Half His Skull, Surgeons Repair it to Look Normal with 3D Printed Mesh (3dprint.com)

ErnieKey writes: Surgeons in China have performed surgery this morning on a man who had suffered a severe head injury 10 months ago. After the accident, he was left with a huge portion of his skull and brain missing. Unable to go into public because of people calling him names such as "Half Headman", and after losing his ability to speak and write, something had to be done. Thanks to a donation by a company called Stryker, in the US, surgeons were able to take a scan of the mans head, and 3D print a titanium mesh that has been inserted between the his scalp and brain. Doctors expect the man to return to normal, in both appearance and brain function because of this new technology.

Submission + - Our Sinking World

Maddie Kahn writes: If you want to preserve a fish you've caught on Kulinus, a tiny island in the Tigak region of Papua New Guinea, your best bet is to smoke it. Ice, available from the store an hour and a half away if you’re lucky enough to own a boat with a motor, is a foreign concept here. But when Brooke Jarvis meet Ramis Thomas, an elder in the village, ice is on his mind. The night before, most of the island was swamped by high tides, with residents staying up most of the night to keep their belongings from floating away. Thomas says that Kulenus now has perhaps a quarter of the land area he remembers from childhood, and though his concept of natural ice is from a vaguely remembered movie scene (you’re thinking of Titanic, another man offers), he’s heard that melting ice far away is the reason his island is disappearing. He wants to know how much ice has yet to melt—if it’s all already gone, perhaps his people can stay here, holding onto the edge of a tenuous situation. I tell him there’s a lot more. “Then we will have to move,” he says. “I’m sorry about our island, but life is important.”

Submission + - Solar plant sets birds on fire as they fly overhead (www.cbc.ca)

Elledan writes: Federal investigators in California have requested that BrightSource — owner of thermal solar plants — halt the construction of more, even bigger plants until the impact of these plants on wildlife has been further investigated. The BrightSource solar plant in the Mojave Desert which was investigated reportedly kills between 1,000 and 28,000 birds a year with the concentrated solar energy from its 300,000 mirrors, charring and incinerating feathers of passing birds. This isn't the first report of negative environmental impact by this type of solar plant either.

Submission + - Vulnerabilities found in Dendroid mobile Trojan (phishlabs.com)

An anonymous reader writes: On Friday, the full source code of the Dendroid Remote Access Trojan (RAT) was leaked. Dendroid is a popular crimeware package that targets Android devices and is sold on underground forums for $300. Usually the source code for botnet control panels is encrypted, so it was surprising to find the full source code for the Dendroid control panel included in the leaked files. Analyzing the leaked code revealed multiple vulnerabilities due to a lack of user input validation including Cross-Site Scripting (XSS), Arbitrary File Upload, SQL Injection, and PHP Code Execution. PoC provided for PHP execution.

Submission + - US City Introduces Draft Ordinance To Criminalize Certain Drone Uses 1

Fubar writes: Two city council members from Phoenix, AZ are introducing "draft language" for public discussion that would make it illegal to use a drone to film people without their knowledge. The council members are worred about privacy of people in their own yards, even including the requirement that law enforcement obtain a warrant for drone surveillance. A violation of the ordinance would be a Class 1 misdemeanor, which carries up to a $2,500 fine and six months in jail.

Submission + - Beijing Doctors Implant World's First 3D-Printed Vertebra into 12 Year-Old Boy (ibtimes.co.uk)

concertina226 writes: Doctors from the Peking University Third Hospital (PUTH) in Beijing, China, have become the first in the world to use 3D-printing in complex spinal cord surgery, after replacing a section of cancerous vertebra in a boy's neck with a piece created on a 3D printer.

The procedure to remove this form of cancer is so complex that only five hospitals in China are equipped to perform the surgery. The tumour affects the top of the spinal cord in the neck, but also the internal and external carotid arteries, and the patient's windpipe.

Submission + - Vehicle-To-Vehicle Networks Could Save Over 1,000 Lives a Year (itworld.com)

itwbennett writes: On Monday, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) published a research report on vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) technology and is seeking input from the public and industry. In the report, it estimated the safety benefits of just two possible applications of V2V, called Left Turn Assist and Intersection Movement Assist. Together, they could prevent as many as 592,000 crashes and save 1,083 lives per year, the agency said.

Ancient Bird With Largest Wingspan Yet Discovered 55

sciencehabit writes Fossils unearthed at a construction project in South Carolina belong to a bird with the largest wingspan ever known, according to a new study. The animal measured 6.4 meters from wingtip to wingtip, about the length of a 10-passenger limousine and approaching twice the size of the wandering albatross, today's wingspan record-holder. Like modern-day albatrosses, the newly described species would have been a soaring champ.

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