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Comment Re:Discontinuing rear-wheel drive (Score 2) 95

Remember that they're collecting field test data from all of those 2nd-gen autopilot cars, over the air. They are the only ones who can do that. They have a forward-looking very underutilized compute platform in the car, and they use it to test all of the processing flows they're working on. Field testing of sensor data processing is a big cost for everyone but Tesla. Nobody other than them can do self-driving research on a fleet of tens of thousands of cars, in all sorts of real-world conditions. Market analysts with no grounding in tech seem not to pay much attention to that. Tesla flleet's telemetry is worth way more than $1B/year if anyone else were to decide to spend on getting such data. Each year the continue to exist, they get another $B+ bucks worth of data. It won't take long until just the test data they get over the air will be worth a good chunk of their market cap. They are doing some other cool things in terms of data gathering when their cars come in for service, that nobody else is doing, and that gives them a lot of industry unique data as well. Tesla is superficially a car company, just like Walmart is superficially a retail company. Over the years other retailers had to play catch up in terms of their IT and data capture. Same will happen to car companies, but right now Tesla compared to other companies is like Walmart was compared to other grocery retailers in the early days of its data processing push. Very much ahead of the game.

Comment Re:Baloney (Score 1) 285

Why do people keep forgetting that iOS location services uses GPS as just one of the possible inputs? When you have WiFi and BT enabled on an iPhone, enabling location services will increase load on those two radios, and on the cellular radio, and it will enable the GPS receiver, and it will also power up the inertial platform (gyro, accelerometer, magnetometer). The data is then fused from all of these sources. Generally speaking, the GPS receiver power demand itself is maybe 10% of the overall load burden caused by location services. And that's in line with what you're saying. Even in airplane mode you'll get load from GPS and inertial sensors.

Comment Re:Baloney (Score 1) 285

Please don't conflate location services with GPS. You can enable location services as a complete package deal, or you can turn them off. When they are enabled, the GPS radio is turned on, but on top of that all other enabled radios (cellular, WiFi, BT) are actively used to determine your position. The location service system then fuses the information from all of those sources, and from the "inertial" platform (magnetometer, gyro and accelerometer). So enabling location services can potentially ramp up power on several subsystems. That's not what some last-decade GPS receiver would do, and that's also why sometimes you can get decent location information indoors where there's no GPS reception of any kind. There's a department store that I frequent where there's no GPS signal (even very sensitive professional receivers stay unlocked) yet the phone is quite good at figuring out where on the floor you are. That's because it uses signal strength from wifi access points, fixed location bluetooth devices, a few iBeacons present on the floor, and fuses all that with inertial data.

Comment Re:"It wasn't me, it was the one armed man!" (Score 1) 189

It's almost as if they could save money by pushing their shit out to a competent datacenter. I don't really see why BA, of all people, needs their own. Their shit could run on AWS just fine I'm sure. It's not magic. They deal with the same shit they dealt 5 decades ago when it ran on slow big iron.

Comment Re:BIG DC power systems are not really IT guys mor (Score 1) 189

The problem is really quite simple: corporate drones think that throwing tantrums at a problem will get it fixed. Tantrums include not only screaming at people, but also throwing money at a problem. There's this thing called human capital where most qualified people will naturally reward an employer's loyalty to them with their loyalty to the cause of the employer. Yet the corporate world is treating humans like replaceable cogs, and that's what they get: stuff that's held together by good wishes and chewing gum. Why? Because in such a work atmosphere, nothing better will ever flourish.

Comment Re:The problem is the sockets are ill-designed. (Score 1) 154

On any device that's properly designed, you'll have overvoltage protection (a crowbar) as well as overcurrent protection. When supplied with too high a voltage, the crowbar shorts, and the overcurrent protection opens. No fire, and the device is supposed to safely withstand such faults. The overvoltage protection is a necessary part of designing to withstand ESD, so it's not there merely to prevent people from doing stupid things and hurting themselves.

Comment Re:Story not exactly clear on details (Score 1) 154

Given that many USB devices are constant-power loads and thus have negative resistance, I'd be very leery of any sort of a constant-power supply (because that's what you talk of) that's designed for positive resistance loads. A constant-power supply that can deal with negative resistances is not something shown in application notes that people blindly copy from...

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