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Comment Re:Well that creates new problems. (Score 1) 228

Yes, sellers usually do check the addresses (though this may not be required depending on their CC handler). The reason they do that is because they don't want the bank to go after them later if the purchase was fraudulent. Any merchant that gets a high quantity of fraudulent traffic is most likely going to have to the CC handling privileges revoked, so the chances of getting away with it for long are slim. The notable exception is places like E-Bay that have a fair bit of financial baking to them and enough presence to keep the banks at bay. I know very well (having caught a credit card thief in-the-act) that stolen credit cards are fairly easy to use on E-Bay to order expensive items to shady destinations for extended periods of time.

Comment Re:You can roam internationally without leaving US (Score 1) 321

I know a family that lives next to the US-Canada border (their driveway is less than 500 meters from 0 ave.) they had to call their cell-phone provider so often to reverse the charges that the provider started just automatically waiving any roaming charges on their phone because they were sick of getting the phone calls! (Note: They live on the Canadian side).

Comment Re:50MB = 750$ (Score 1) 321

Right, because everyone loves having to maintain *multiple* phone contracts, phone numbers and voicemails, not to mention how freaking tiny and easy-to-drop sim cards have become. We should not have to put up with this crap when we all know they're routing the data between each other using the same technology as a free voip call.

Comment Re:Linux soon? (Score 1) 202

Are you talking about pipelight (which runs silverlight in wine and pipes it to your native browser) or running the entire browser in wine?

Pipelight uses the silverlight plugin which Netflix currently only keeps working for the Mac users (at least, until now apparently...), so if Mac users switch to HTML5 who knows how long that will keep working.

Running the entire browser under wine has always been even more difficult, usually resorting to using the silverlight plugin inside wine as well (see paragraph 2). So unless someone actually gets HTML5 Netflix running under wine, we are basically boned.

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