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Comment Re:Yeah, you can totally trust your data... (Score 4, Interesting) 335

Seriously. This "article" reads more like an ad. $120/year for 1 TB is more than 9 times what I'd pay for 5 years of a 1 TB internal SATA.

There are several problems with the whole "cloud" thing:

- I can buy a few terabytes of local storage for the same or less than paying Google
- Google constantly changes things (features, terms of service, etc) and if you don't like it, tough shit
- Encrypted or not, you have no control over your own data, they do
- ISPs severely throttle upload speeds. Getting a few terabytes into the cloud will take a really long time

Ah, if only...

Unfortunately, the biggest problem with Google Drive is that they don't provide any upload throttling at all.

So...post a folder of pictures to your drive account, then go do something else for a couple of hours, because your internet is useless until Google's done hogging all of your bandwidth...funny, DropBox had this figured out right from the start, yet after over two years of customer complaints, Google still hasn't figured out how to implement this.

Comment Re:How do we fill the energy gap? (Score 1) 712

In the USA, a kilowatt-hour of electricity costs an average of only 12 cents. Even if that doubled, the poor would still be able to afford some electricity.

Try removing 37% of the supply, and see what that does to the demand pricing. Bet'cha it does a heck of a lot more than double it...it's not like it's a luxury good that people can do without, anymore. It's light, cooking and for some, heat for their families. Imagine trying to retrofit a wood stove into every low-income apartment in the US. Then imagine the emissions from all those low-efficiency stoves...

Of course, one potential positive could be that we'd have fewer annoying blinky billboards around...*sigh*, probably wishful thinking, that...

Comment Re:The future (Score 1) 712

Kind of like how managers think you can just throw a few more programmers on a project and get it done on time...

Yep, pretty much.

They always forget the time required to get up to speed on the project / standards, and any extra training time...heck, it works when I put it into Microsoft Project, therefore it should work in real life!


Comment Re:The future (Score 1) 712

They're not "theoretical", they already exist. At least in MA, we only have two coal plants left and they're both looking at shutting down.

The natural gas infrastructure is a bit lacking. There was a shortage this winter when everyone was warming their houses (not cooking burgers), so a lot of places needed to switch to oil which we really don't have infrastructure for. Some higher capacity pipelines would be a good addition to more renewables such as off-shore wind power without needing to rely on coal.

Sorry, I meant 'theoretical' as in brand new stations or new capacity at existing stations, which you would need to address if you are looking to shut down existing coal sites. Of course, if your currently built capacity is already sufficient to forego the generation from the coal plants, then there's no barriers...other than, as you say, cold cold winter nights where the gas supply can't keep up with the domestic load, much less industrial.

Don't get me wrong, I'm all for switching to natural gas generation in favor of coal generation, but people should realize that there is a whole lot of infrastructure required to make that happen. It's not 'just' bigger, stronger pipes (although that's certainly a huge component...and not a simple process to install), it's also upstream compression, alternate supply routing (probably with additional compression), cathodic protection to keep the pipes from corroding, and in some areas it's additional specialized instrumentation required such as moisture, heating value and H2S analysis.

In comparison, coal can be trucked to site, burned and produce steam generation with minimal fuss. It's not hard to see how coal got it's stranglehold...

Comment Re:How do we fill the energy gap? (Score 1) 712

If we replace [coal] with things that won't meet the demand...

Demand for energy isn't perfectly inelastic, so in the absence of a price ceiling, there's no such thing as "won't meet the demand."

So, electricity is reserved for the rich, then?

Nice to know this isn't a step backward, no, not in any way...

Comment Re:The future (Score 1) 712

I guess this takes place in West Virginia? Coal isn't economical compared to natural gas in most places so there are plenty of places that would just have to ramp up a few other power plants and be just fine.

Unless you're planning on running them on LNG (with the associated trucking / transportation costs), you will also have to plan on installing several thousand km's of pipeline* to supply these theoretical natural gas power stations. Not to mention compressor stations to make sure your turbines aren't getting starved out when everyone in the area turns on their barbeques or natural gas ovens for dinner...

I like how non-technical people thing that 'they' just have to ramp up a few other plants to solve the problem. Um, no. The plants were built to serve a specific maximum capacity, and that includes all of the support infrastructure behind the plants in the first place. Generally, unless the plant was designed for it from the start, you can't just throw in another turbine or two at each site and not expect things to come crashing to a halt. More often, new generation means you need bigger pipes, higher pressures and more site infrastructure (electrical, controls, instrumentation, backup generation, meter stations, even manpower) to support the new turbines. That's likely a multi-year project, and the cost of the turbines alone is a mere fraction of the total.

* I thought after that whole Keystone debacle that Americans aren't that keen on running pipeline? >:)

Comment Re: $50 billion seems quite cheap (Score 1) 712

Interesting subject but your post ends up a bit obvious and redundant given all the other posts (no offense, constructive criticism!) while ignoring the truly surprising part of this plan. The entire coal industry can be bought for ONLY $50B?! There are individuals walking around with more money than that. Exxon's profits for 2013 alone were over $30B. How is an entire 100+ year old industry that supplies 40% of our power and holds political sway over a bunch of states only worth $50 billion?

Because it's efficient. Because it doesn't require a lot of high-tech manufactured goods and has lower maintenance and repair costs compared to other alternatives (natural gas and hydro being the exception...which would be why they're numbers 2 and 4 on the 'percent of US power is supplied by...' list. Nuclear's only number 3 because of the massive amount of production available per plant).

That's why it's so popular. Well, that and the fact that you can put one pretty much anywhere you have space, so it's good for those places with no sunshine, variable wind and no local hydro sources available...

Comment External drives (Score 1) 983

I would definitely say external drives for the irreplaceable data (photos, home video, scanned images, voice clips, documents, etc.). The rest is already *cough torrents cough* backed up for you. Yes, it would take a while to rebuild, but ultimately it's available.

I would also perhaps back up any older or hard-to-find collections to the hard drive, or any particularly cherished movies (kids movie collection, perhaps). Personally, I back up everything to three 4TB external drives because I have the ports available on my server, but if you don't then back up what's important and don't worry about the rest...

Your only other option, really, is to get a 6-bay NAS and some hard drives to fill it. This setup would run you around $2,000, but then you'd be able to back up all of teh things...until your data grows beyond 20 TB (assuming you'd put the NAS into Raid 5 at least :)

Comment Re:question objectivity (Score 1) 497

Look it up:


Darwin's theory rested on oversimplifying the complexity of life, so he came up with a bizarro view of heredity reminescent of how the Nazi's invented the "frost" cosmology because they were embarrased by all the advances made by Jewish cosmologists (who incidentally were mostly Germans themselves).

Baby...bathwater. Darwin was trying to posit a mechanisim to describe his observations on hereditable traits. Remember, Mendel was a contemporary, and his work developing genetic theory wasn't to gain general acceptance until after his death...which was two years after Darwin died. Once genetic theory was developed and refined, it was simply applied to Darwin's Theory of Evolution and found to be a better description of how observed heredity actually works than his original hypothesis.

Claiming that "Pangenesis was wrong, therefore evolution is wrong" is akin to claiming that Copernican theory is incorrect because Galileo thought tides were caused by variations in the motion of the earth as it revolved around the sun.

Comment Re:Pretty close to that myself. (Score 1) 268

I find music annoying when it's playing while I'm doing something else. It really does bother me when it's playing at random places like bowling alleys or stores, serving no purpose but to make it harder to talk with other people. The louder it is the more it drives me crazy for that reason.

THIS is why I hate going to bars. I like drinking. I like talking to my friends and (sometimes) making new ones. However, I hate having to shout at each other to pass the damn chicken wings...

Comment Re:Music (Score 1) 268

While I never listen to music, I think it has its place in games and movies. The music can help to convey the emotion of the scene, or the action going on in the game, in such a way that it heightens the experience.

I don't think I've ever seen a better example of this than this trailer of Mrs. Doubtfire recut as a horror film.

I am firmly in the 1-3%, yet I find you are correct, there are times and places where music enhances other experiences. So long as it doesn't distract from the movie or game.

Comment Re:HEY (Score 1) 268

I will occasionally turn the radio on on long car trips to keep me awake
but after about an hour I get overstimulated and have to turn it back off again.

Might I suggest you try listening to audiobooks on your long car trips? Douwnpour.com has a great selection of DRM-free MP3 audiobooks for reasonable prices.

I also can't stand listening to music while driving: it doesn't engage my mind enough to counteract the tedium, while being just repetitive enough to engender frustration and annoyance. But put in a good book by one of my favourite authors, and I'm happy as a clam: those four-hour drives just fly by! :)

Comment Re:Really? (Score 4, Informative) 769

How much "game-changing functionality" can you really work into a fucking coffee machine?

To me, it sounds like they're planning on emulating Tassimo and their bar-coded brewing system, so the user can use 'milk' pods, tea pods, etc. and the system will brew them differently depending on the scanned and recognized contents (temperature for sure, pressure maybe? size? IDK)

What they seem to be 'forgetting' is that it was the flexibility and simplicity of the K-Cup system that actually gained them the dominant market share in the first place. Sure you can brew cappucinos and lattes with the Tassimo...but you can use your own favorite coffee brand with the Keurig My K-Cup reusable filter, freshly ground if that's your thing, or spooned out of a Maxwell House container to save money / env. wastage on each cup. Heck, I use my My K-Cup to hold loose tea leaves when I feel like a specialty cuppa...and they're good for two to three cups, too.

Nope, if they disable their whole BYO ability, I predict that they will wind up in a small corner of a niche market. If they relent and provide a My K-Cup equivalent for the 2.0...well, it's just barely possible that they could survive this bone-headed move, although people will grumble about not having cheap generics available. Either way, watch for stock prices to plunge.

Comment Re:Reposting/Fixing My List (Score 1) 531

Excellent list!

FYI, most of these programs (i.e., 10 out of the 12, if you count the alternate text editor Notepad++) are available as Portable Apps that you can keep on (and even run from) a USB thumb drive.

Might save you some installation and configuring time :) I'd bet plenty of programs on your full list are available too...

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