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Comment Re:This wasn't delayed by injustice (Score 4, Insightful) 134

When someone starts bombing civilians we have passed pretty clearly by the "ideological" into the "corporeal". I can guarantee you if ISIS / Al Queda were sitting in their corner of the world spouting their ideology at the top of their lungs we really wouldn't care. They are fair game not because of their ideology but because they go beyond having a belief, to trying to force it upon others with violence. It is the latter, and not the former, that absolutely makes it OK to wipe them out entirely. They have literally exclaimed that they will kill us if we don't kill them first, and then acted upon it. See the difference?

Comment Re:Just another arrogant CEO (Score 3, Insightful) 49

"Red Hat has been making a lot of peculiar decisions to replace standard Linux components, with inferior Red Hat components. Now we have systemd, ..."

Dear mentally challenged individual. It has apparently not come to your attention, but systemd is used by almost every major Linux distribution on the planet. Isn't it strange that all these companies made that same peculiar decision. Clearly they didn't consult you or they would have known that systemd is a Red Hat product!

"all out war against POSIX"

Tell us more about this war going on in your head!

"f Red Hat's propriety solutions."

Yes, Red Hats proprietary Open Source solutions! Congratulations, you just announced to the world that you have been reading Slashdot for more than a decade (See his SlashID Number for those following along) and still don't know the frigging difference between proprietary and FOSS. Bravo. I don't think I could come up with something that phenomenally stupid to say if I spent weeks at it!

Comment Re:did they damage the car? (Score 1) 461

Holy shit. Talk about rambling on about nothing. I'm sorry you are butthurt to find out that you live in a police state. I understand your denial. Soon will come the bargaining, but eventually you will pass through to the final stage of acceptance to the point where you realize you've been duped and while the illusion of freedom is indeed better than "The Caliphate", you are none the less living in a police state with terrorists at the helm. I'm sorry for your loss.

Comment Re:did they damage the car? (Score 1) 461

Your brilliance astounds! I had never considered that there was only one kind of terrorist, and only one place they could live! Up until now I assumed that terrorists could come from anywhere, and that there could be more than one! Thank you so much for helping me realize that there can be one, and only one terrorist organization!

And yes ... you are a blithering frigging idiot.

Comment Re:Not pointless... (Score 2) 461

Do you know what you call a person who tries to convince you that is perfectly acceptable to react in completely irrational ways at the mere sight of every day occurrences? That person is called a terrorist (and I neither use the term loosely, nor in the same way a govt. propagandist would use it)

Pay attention, once again: Don't spread bullshit memes that promote irrational fear. If you continue to do so, you are a terrorist. Again, this has nothing to do with any country, government, political, or theological allegiance or lack thereof.

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