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Comment Re:Drug-Resistant Virii, Lysol-resistant bacteria (Score 1) 479

"So, I believe all you have to do is ask an "intelligent design" person why God is creating Drug-resistant Virii, or creating bacteria that doesn't die when you hit it with lysol."

Seriousy? You are going to deny His existence, and then wonder why He is smiting you? (No. I don't think that way; you're forgetting that they do, it seems.)

Comment Re:Could you tell a difference at distance? (Score 5, Funny) 535

"Imagine you are on school grounds and you can see this guy on the street, distance of maybe 200 feet. Would you be able to be sure the black gun shaped thing was a toy from that distance? "

Of course not. My natural assumption would be that Star Wars was not just a movie, and there was an actual frigging Stormtrooper in my sights! I totally understand the Principal taking this seriously. What baffles me is why the Principal thought the police would be able to do anything about it. Why the hell didn't they call Luke Skywalker?

Comment Re:Really, USB floppy? (Score 1) 468

What kind of moron replies to what I posted with "Calm Down"? Not only was I in now way "uncalm", bit I never suggested that the driver wasn't available. My entire post was about the stupidity of stating that "maintenance of the floppy driver is a bear". It has literally nothing to do with the availability or lack thereof of said driver in Windows 10. Here's hoping you find a way to drastically improve your reading comprehension!

Comment Re:Really, USB floppy? (Score 1) 468

There is no Whoosh here, except the sound in your mind of a phantom Whoosh blowing right past you. (The guy was clearly serious: "Oh, right, nevermind - I've got a linux box where the driver support is better. ".) Please do tell however from whence this imaginary Whoosh comes. Many of us enjoy the entertainment of simple minds (not the band / note no capitals), so please do feel free to entertain us.

Comment Windows Upgrade Downgrades You! (Score -1, Troll) 468

I'm trading in my car with power seats for a different one with the same mileage, and it is an upgrade I tell you! Sure I used to be able to change my own Oil, and now I can only pay an authorized representative to do it for me, but I swear it's an UPGRADE!!!

I know whenever I am thinking to upgrade I look right away for the list of features I will be giving up, and it better be pretty big or I'm not bothering. Of course, to be fair, it could be argued that any time you remove a piece of Microsoft code you have indeed upgraded your system. It is fair to say that if you really want to upgrade from Windows 7 or 8, you'll follow that path to its inevitable conclusion and are switching to Linux, one of the *BSDs or OS X. Now that is a real upgrade! (Cue all the people who don't belong on Slashdot, a.k.a. Windho's)

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