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Comment Re:Nobody needs more than 640K of RAM (Score 2, Interesting) 756

Besides, this isn't a technical limitation, this is an imposed limit by Microsoft. They want you to purchase a more expensive version to use more memory

32 and 64 bit versions of Windows are the same price. The same license key even works. If you purchased 32 bit and want to run 64 bit, the media is available for basically the cost of shipping. Otherwise, you can source media elsewhere and use your existing key on that computer.

Comment Re:I'm sorry, but you are wrong. (Score 1) 964

People say racist things to me all the time. No, they don't mean any offense (usually), but that doesn't mean that I don't get offended. But I didn't used to.

"In 1999, 99.4% of the population was Japanese while only 0.6% belonged to other ethnic groups (mostly Korean)."

Dude, you look like a tourist, what did you expect? The US, on the other hand, is the biggest melting pot of genes and cultures on the planet. How many people compliment a black guy on speaking English?

Comment $1 apps (Score -1, Troll) 217

When you hear about someone making $1.2million from a trivial airport game you can't help but cringe. Apparently there's 1.2 million people* out there who don't think anything about blowing $1 on a game.. literally, $1 has no value to them. This shouldn't be very surprising, after all, they bought an iPhone and there's plenty of phones that are at least $1 cheaper than the iPhone and just as good.

This is *exactly* the situation that economists warned about a century ago when selling stock to the public became common place. If you have the means to interact with millions of people to whom $1 has no value you can easily get your company valued way above what it should be. And that's how market fail.

* actually, it's more than that, Apple takes a massive cut of the pie too.

Comment Netbook (Score 1) 633

Why not bury it with a netbook or cheap laptop if you absolutely must bury electronics period? The 110V plug we use today will still be in use in the future. Make sure the battery has about a 15% charge, and all the "latest"'ll be 100% golden and working when it's opened; just charge up the battery and voila, working system. I don't think HDD's wil degrade after 15 years of being unpowered will they?

Comment Re:How long can they fight it (Score 1) 348

Why must everyone make up bullshit excuses instead of just admitting that they were downloading stuff because they wanted to get it for free?

You're so right! I have hordes of money. I don't mind paying for my movies - and you know what? IT'S DAMNED EASY! Much easier than download movies directly to your living room media center from the comfort of your home.

Here's 10 easy steps for renting a movie the honest way:

1. Put coat, shoes and hat on (Hey, it's Denmark, it's always raining!)
2. Get into the car, hope it starts.
4. Drive to the shitty Blockbuster store.
3. Try to find a half-way legal parking spot.
5. Pray to God that Blockbuster somehow started carrying anything besides Hollywood flicks.
6. Pick a movie in the shop crowded with screaming toddlers. With no IMDB to "confuse you".
7. Discuss with the 15 year old girl behind the counter why you have forgotten your rental pin code.
8. Drive home.
9. Discover that the DVD you just rented is scratched beyond playable.
10. Go to bed. Crying.

Comment Not a (blizzard) gamer (Score 1) 452

I selected "Not a gamer" but that's not exactly true. I don't play too many games anymore, mostly Modern Warfare on the 360, the new Hearts of Iron 3 on the PC, and chess if that counts. The last blizzard game I played extensively was Diablo 1. I tried repeatedly to get into WoW, played with friends but I never had very much fun playing it. I couldn't see how people are so addicted to that game. Just not for me I guess, it's obviously very compelling to a lot of people.

Comment Re:Abuse of the System (Score 1, Interesting) 476

IIRC, her belief was that the blog might have been written by somebody close to her (ex-boyfriend or similar), and thus someone she would want to press charges against. Of course, the only way to know if it was someone close to her was to sue and get the identity.

I wouldn't say this is an abuse of the system, since if the blogger was someone she knew, I'll bet charges would have been pressed. That said, there are certainly circumstances where the system could be abused, but this isn't one of the,.

Comment Re:Job #1 should be tracking asteroids (Score 1) 219

Even if NASA could build the equipment quickly enough, it could take several years of travel time to just arrive at the thing to splash paint on it, or attach the rockets. And then would it still be distant enough for those very slow methods to change its course enough?

I mean, I see your point, but I just don't think the odds of successfully intercepting a big one, even with years of warning, are very good. Maybe I'm just a pessimist.

Comment Re:Pandora? (Score 1) 86

Well, I used to be a paid Launchcast subscriber before it was flushed by Yahoo. That about sums up the experience for paid subscribers. Unpaid subscribers had limited skips and a few commercials now and again.

I do like Pandora, but I greatly preferred my Launchcast stations because you could rate genres 1 to 100, artists 1 to 100, albums 1 to 100, and songs 1 to 100. Then you could apply moods to your stations. It was VERY granular and my station only played the songs I really really liked or wanted to listen to at that time. It was pretty amazing.

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