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When Rewriting an App Actually Makes Sense 289

vlangber writes "Joel Spolsky wrote a famous blog post back in 2000 called 'Things You Should Never Do, Part I,' where he wrote the following: '[T]he single worst strategic mistake that any software company can make: They decided to rewrite the code from scratch.' Here is a story about a software company that decided to rewrite their application from scratch, and their experiences from that process."

CBS and CNN Could Be Making News Together 124

crimeandpunishment writes "More proof of the profound impact cable, the Internet, and other outlets have had on broadcast news organizations. CBS and CNN, who have danced around the idea of a partnership for years, may be ready to move forward. Both news organizations have a lot at stake. Broadcast network news has a gloomy financial outlook, and CNN's ratings need a jump-start."

Austria Converts Phone Booths To EV Chargers 161

separsons writes "Telekom Austria, a telecommunications company, aims to convert obsolete public phone booths into electric vehicle recharging stations. The company unveiled its first station yesterday in Vienna and hopes to create 29 more stations by the end of the year. The stations may not be super popular now, but they should be soon; Austria's motor vehicle association says the country will likely have 405,000 electric vehicles on the road by the year 2020."

Comment Re:Isn't Oil? (Score 1) 374

It is when you burn it outright or use it in a fuel cell

Not when it releases less energy than it took to create it. You won't find much free hydrogen on Earth.

Still, if you put Hydrogen under enough pressure, it fuses nicely into helium and releases lots of energy in the process

Which is nuclear power.

Comment Uh... (Score 1) 462

I don't have much time to play games. Matter of fact, my monthly budget is pretty much zero hours.

Yet, _if_ I sit down and play a game, I want to do it right.
When I still had time, barring Doom 1 & 2, I played through every single FPS which I ever played on hardest mode without losing a single health point (notable exception: in Doom 3, you exit an escalator and breathe some kind of gas. You need to switch off the gas outlet and do not have a hazmat suit at that point. Sucks. -- Also, I never made it through Half Life proper as there is one section where a squad of enemies is outside a warehouse and I could never kill _all_ enemies without losing health. I lost the savegame and as I spent more than a week on that one part where you fall trough the ground (not the large pipe; later), I never could get myself to start from scratch).

In Secret of Mana, I have several perfect savegames. In Chrono Trigger, I have 1 1/2 perfect save games. In Zelda 3, I have countless perfect savegames.

But take any random new-ish Zelda title. In Twilight Princess, to get all heart containers, you need to fish. I suck at that, but I made myself go through it. I even walked around looking for golden bugs for ages.

But the newest Zelda on DS, Spirit Tracks? You need to play for ages _after_ you beat the game, trying to get treasures so you can get all train parts. Same for ship parts in the Zelda before that.

And _that_ is what annoys me. If you create a way to collect all of X, do not make collecting X a goal in and as of itself. At least not if you force your paying customers to sit through hours and hours of monotonous, braindead _work_ to truly finish a game.
I would rather play a good game twice than slave away at finishing it once.


Young Men Who Smoke Have Lower IQs 561

Hugh Pickens writes "Science Daily reports on a study that has determined that young men who smoke are likely to have lower IQs than their non-smoking peers. In the study, conducted with 20,000 Israeli Army recruits and veterans, the average IQ for a non-smoker was about 101, while the smokers' average was more than seven IQ points lower at about 94, and the IQs of young men who smoked more than a pack a day were lower still, at about 90. (These IQs all fall within the normal range.) 'In the health profession, we've generally thought that smokers are most likely the kind of people to have grown up in difficult neighborhoods, or who've been given less education at good schools,' says Prof. Mark Weiser of Tel Aviv University's Department of Psychiatry, whose study was reported in a recent version of the journal Addiction. 'Because our study included subjects with diverse socio-economic backgrounds, we've been able to rule out socio-economics as a major factor. The government might want to rethink how it allocates its educational resources on smoking.' Prof. Weiser says that the study illuminates a general trend in epidemiological studies. 'People on the lower end of the average IQ tend to display poorer overall decision-making skills when it comes to their health,' says Weiser. 'Schoolchildren who have been found to have a lower IQ can be considered at risk to begin the habit, and can be targeted with special education and therapy to prevent them from starting or to break the habit after it sets in.'"

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